If a Q oversleeps……the Site Q is late on posting a Backblast

QIC: Boomerang

Date: September 19, 2019

PAX: Goofy, Turnover, TPS, Touch-Me-Not, Argyle, Blue Steel, Red Baron, Zombie (WB), H.O.G (WB) and Boomerang (Q and WD)

As the PAX gathered in the gloom, YHC and site Q was wondering where the Q for the day was. Normally Huckleberry is early and beyond awake any time I have been at a beatdown with him.  One minute to go and YHC was still hopeful.  But it wasn’t meant to be.  Amazing how blank one’s mind goes when called upon to lead with no planning and no music.


So it went something like this.  SSH, IST, Whirlies (a bit on the high side as I thought about what was to happen next) and arm swirlies B&F, OH Claps and Seal Claps.

Mosey to Lido Deck for 11’s

Top Deck Irkins and Lower Deck Merkins, steps added a nice touch.

Second Mosey to the Rock Pile/Wall for Dora

Partner up and select a rock suitable for creating a strong workout. 100 Jack Reachers, 200 Curls and 300 Benchpresses. While partner #1 does exercise partner #2 runs around the circle, I mean moseys around circle. TRQ is a non running workout you know.

Once completed make way back to starting point with lunges and bear crawls stopping along the way at the light poles for a rolling Mary.  If memory serves, LBC, Mutton Crunch and Alabama Prom Dates were completed. Once back to parking lot Mary continued with 3 additional round robin ab exercises.


Announcements and Prayer Request:

Argyle-prayers for his company

Blue Steel-Visa process for wife and daughter, the right hands get the applications and keep things moving

Turnover-Family in their small group who have housing needs

YHC took us out in prayer.


YHC and others kept trying to make each car that pulled up to be Spam trying to post, but he never made it. Although Argyle does drive a similar car, just saying.

Turnover believed we could have skipped the shoulder work, something about the IPC…

Blue Steel appeared out of the darkness and let us know that there is no workout at Meadowlark on Thursdays, good to know.  Taking up a collection for a calendar.

Strong work by all, for my first off the cuff Q.

Did receive a text at 5:58AM from Huckleberry and after 5 years of Q’s for F3 he set his alarm wrong. I am not casting any stones.

Glad to Q and get stronger with a great PAX this AM.







1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    September 24, 2019 9:33 pm

    Hate to have missed this one. Agreed thatboff the cuff Qs are a good time. See you TRQ regulars soon.

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