Numbers Were Small But Work Was Large

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 10/19/2019

PAX: Quiver, Schneider, Drama Queen

On Thursday at The Distillery, Schneider had to subsitq for the irreplaceable Whirly. Harden indicated that same world famous lawyer and backblast writer was on the calendar to Q Charlie Foxtrot this upcoming Saturday.  YHC, knowing that the crud can last anywhere from 48 hours to 3 weeks, volunteered to step up if Harden needed to replace The Irreplaceable One.  The call came Friday from both parties with Whirly even making use of an actual phone to beg me to come to his aid.  He even agreed to email a Weinke with a pretty thorough workout.  I finally consented in exchange for free legal services for life.

I viewed Whirly’s Weinke (insert your own joke here) and took my dog for a recon mission late Friday to plan and edit a little.

Saturday morning rolled around and when YHC pulled into the famous smoking/sex lot (or is it the smoking sex lot?) I found what appeared to be Quiver’s Jeep and a bicyclist, who YHC assumed was Quiver.  However YHC soon learned it was Schneider who had biked in from about 9 miles away.  At least that was what he said.  But as 7:00 approached there were no other pax including Quiver.  Figuring he was out for an EC run and would be back any minute we had decided to go ahead.  But before the first warmup exercise was called Quiver sprinted around the corner and joined us.

With no signs of any other running, biking or driving in pax we began with some Warmorama.  We covered a few of the standards and were off on a short mosey to the school entrance.

YHC explained the plan – 3 exercises covering upper body, legs and core.  We would perform 25 reps OYO of each then move to another group of 3.  Upon finishing the 3rd group of 3 we ran to another corner around the school perimeter.

You really don’t care exactly which exercises we did but we trust me we totaled 900 reps not including warmorama and Mary and covered around 2 miles of running which included a lap around the pond and a lap around the dirt track at quarter mile pace.

We returned to the launch spot for Mary for some that we had not covered in the previous 300 core reps and finished with a longer than expected elbow plank.


Impressive RIRO by Schneider who lives over the river and through the woods (well almost) He had a low traffic route planned that included a stretch thru Tanglewood.

Also Tclaps to Quiver for getting in a 3 mile EC run.

YHC was thankful for a “script” for the workout but did take some poetic license by using 25 reps instead of Tabata and running at different spots than prescribed.  There were a few exercise changes too that were somewhat dependent on location and need for reps instead of time.  The worst edit was putting Mike Tysons back to back with donkey kicks.

While at the stop at the traffic circle on Harper Rd we were yelled at by a passing Blue Light Special – Schneider speculated he was on his way to ref soccer or perhaps there is a bar in Davie County with Premier League games on the tele.

Weather was near perfect so we decided numbers were down with RAH, football games, and other fall activities.  Or perhaps it was my tweet announcing Whirly would not be Qing.


YHC took us out with special TAP for Blue Steel

Always and honor





1 Comment

  • Kevin Altman
    October 20, 2019 9:48 pm

    The Irreplaceable One has a nice ring to it, but it’s a little lengthy- let’s shorten it to “TIO.” Thx for stepping up DQ. In return, I’ll let you pick whatever restaurant you want to eat at for lunch bunch on Friday because I’m filling in for Hazer aka The Replaceable One.

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