The Hand off 2 Years in the Making


Date: 10/28/2019

PAX: Cheesesteak, $5 Footlong, Zima, Screech, Pee Wee, Turnover, Huckleberry, Drip, Chisel, H.O.G

Today, was the day that Huckleberry could only dream about for the past year. The day, that we would be free to go to any AO he wants to on a Monday. The day, he would be able to place the huge burden of the Premiere Monday workout, The Estate, on someone else to guard and protect it. Okay, its not that big of a deal, but still Huck is happy. So, my first Q next week under the new regime will be…… Huckleberry.

So with all that out of the way, the workout went something like this:


20 SSH

20 ISS

10 Windmills

10 Reverse Windmills

5 Scorpions


The Thang:

Mosey to bottom parking lot and partner up for some Burpee walks:

Partner A starts on one end of the parking lot and Partner B starts at the other end of the parking lot and they burpee walk to each other

Mosey to the start of the Reynolda Trail:

at each light pole (13) do sumo, regular, legs together squat jumps and WMD

Mosey to Quad for some Trackish work

5 burpees at start

Sprint to 1st quarter mark and do 5 plank merkins, 10 roll-ups, 15 Ski Jumps. Then mosey back to start

5 Burpees at start

Sprint half way around Quad and do 5 plank merkins, 10 roll-ups, 15 Ski Jumps. Then mosey back to start

5 Burpees at start

Sprint 3/4 of Quad and do 5 plank merkins, 10 roll-ups, 15 Ski Jumps. Then mosey back to start

5 burpees at start

Sprint full lap and do 5 plank merkins, 10 roll-ups, 15 Ski Jumps. Then mosey back to start

* All finished through 3/4 mark and some were able to get the full sprint in and do 5 burpees

Mosey back to start and finished


Pray for Blue Steel, especially for the pain

Sign up to Q at an AO, Site Qs need Qs


Today, featured 10 pax who were very motivated and pushed through everything that was given to them. No one really complained, but pushed through the ridiculousness of the Q. Tclaps to Zima and Huckleberry for coming right off of running the Tuna. YHC hear at least 3 pax HC for the Tuna next year already, which would be cool if we could take more than 1 team next year. Chisel and Screech just flew through the workouts. Pee Wee would has been to F3 for about a week just keeps going and does all the work, while making jokes. Drip and $5 are awesome men who are so encouraging to other while dominating the workout. Cheesesteak and Turnover acted like today was a breeze, definitely stepping up the intensity next time for them. As always, YHC is humbled at the chance to push and be pushed by the Pax of Winston Salem and WeFoCo.



1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    October 28, 2019 3:59 pm

    Thanks to HOG for stepping up to lead! And seriously Zima? Huckleberry? I guess YHC should expect nothing less.

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