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QIC: Resistor

Date: 11/14/2019

PAX: Juice box, Burlap, Mutton, Plunger, HOG (?), Litterbox Turnover

Been a long time since I Qed.

It was cold !

We ran in a loop and stopped 4 times . We did 6 Merkins, 6 USA hammers, 6 burpees, 6 squats. Each lap we multiplied by 2 … so 12 merkins, 12 US hammer etc.  Next was 18s then 12s the 6s back to 12 and so on.

The running kept the cold at bay, the burpees did nothing but suck. The fellowship with the respect crowd was great ! The kids lapped us but never laughed at us, their fellowship was great too.

Burlap found a penny then lost it. We started a GoFundMe to help out

Great to see everyone. Thanks to all for making my day !

There was a few announcements but they got scrambled due to the fact that I forgot. I’ll put some keywords that I remember and maybe someone can expand on them.

bevo, 5k, raising money, support dog, functional 5k, Greenspan , Sunday


1 Comment

  • Burlap
    November 15, 2019 7:42 am

    Resistor is not an old man but is preparing to be. Love his announcement section.

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