The Teet was Watching at #WIB

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 01/16/20

PAX: $5 Footlong, Drama Queen, Dr. Toot Canal (WD), Zima, Cherry Pie, Mutton, Van Gogh, HOG, Burns, Tarheel, Drip, Lazy Boy, Full Upright Position (WB), Honey Badger, Spamalot (QIC)

Ever have the feeling that you are being watched?  You are going about your day, but suddenly are overcome by the suspicion that someone is looking at you.  Well, this morning the Pax had that feeling.  And for good reason.


YHC chose Harper Hill Commons as the location for one reason….it is about a 2 minute drive from home.  Harris Teeter is the anchor store and was the launching point for today’s edition of WIB.


If you choose to shop there today, listen carefully.  You may hear the employees telling tales of the crazy guys who were exercising in the parking lot this morning.  They must have been very impressed by our form and strength.  One guy pulled out his phone and was taking pics and probably video of us.


So what did they (and the early morning shoppers) see?  Let YHC tell you:



(all IC)

SSH x 15

IST x 15

Arm swirly things forward x 10

Arm swirly things reverse x 10

Copperhead squats x 15


Pax counted off 1 through 15.  Pax 1 was given YHC’s ruck (with 20 #) plate.  Pax 1 would wear ruck through first cycle of 4 pain stations.  When back at station 1, Pax 1 hands off ruck to Pax 2.  Continue this pattern.


At each corner of the Harper Hill Commons parking lot, pax would perform a series of exercises.  10 reps of the exercise.  That is all.  The first cycle, perform the first exercise listed.  The second cycle, the first and second exercises (20 reps total).  The third cycle, perform the first, second, and third exercises (30 reps total).  Continue this pattern until time was called at 6:15.


The Pain Stations?  Here they are:


Squats, R leg lunge, L leg lunge, Copperhead Squat, Jump Squat, Sumo Squat, R side Squat, L side Squat, Calf Raise, Pulse Squat



LBC, WWII Sit up, Penguin Crunch, Low flutter, low dolly, Freddy Merc, Dying cockroach, rosalita, R Mutton Crunch, L Mutton Crunch



Arm Swirly Things (forward), Arm Swirly Thins (reverse), Jack Reachers, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sungods, Side arm raises, front arm raises, R Nolan Ryan, L Nolan Ryan



Merkin, SSH, Wide Merkin, IST, Diamond Merkin, Hillbillies, Hand Release Merkin, Fast Feet, Ranger Merkin, Toy Soldier



Strong group of men out this morning.  Thank you all for posting.

Appreciate Site Q – Burns for the added hype to help drive the numbers.

Every Pax finished at least 6 cycles – thus 640 reps.  YHC logged 1.43 miles.  Over 700 calories burned.  Individual results may vary.

Ask $5 Footlong to see his fluffy gloves.

Dr. Toot Canal is back baby!  In more than one way.

YHC hopes that the HT employee shows the video to all his friends.  Glad we could brighten his day.

Shortly after we noticed him, we heard sirens.  Fortunately, it was not the police.  They know better.

YHC was smart and pulled the Q card and was Pax 1.  Only had to wear the ruck for 40 reps of exercises.  Cobains to Zima who would have been Pax 15.

We may have frightened an early morning shopper.  She was so put off by us that she left her shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot and drove off in her electric car without checking her rear view mirror.  $5 Footlong was kind enough to put the cart in the corral.

Those of us who posted at Mayhem yesterday continued to curse Huckleberry.

YHC was with DQ most of the time.  Always appreciate the push and the conversation.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

F3 Charlotte is having a CSAUP event this weekend to honor a Pax who recently passed away.  Burns has tweeted out details.  If interested, follow him on Twitter.

Due to the new traffic flow at Meadowlark, Mayhem is likely going to move to nearby Jamison Park.  Stay tuned for final confirmation.

Drip has the Q at Urban Assault tomorrow.

Watch Twitter for details on an additional Beatdown on Monday (MLK Jr. Day).  More reasonable hour.  YHC has the Q.

Lunch Bunch is on for tomorrow.  11:45 am at Trade Street Diner.  YHC has the Q (huh….).

Van Gogh is trying to avoid his annual Sexual Chocolate themed Q.  Watch Twitter for further details.  Nevertheless, put 1/25 down on your schedule.  Talk of Dr. Toot Canal picking up the bar tab.

Prayer requests for Burns’ grandmother.  Recent fall has resulted in transition to assisted living facility.

Prayers also for DQ’s extended family.  His brother’s family in particular.  SIL battling cancer and nephew is struggling with becoming an adult.


YHC took us out, giving thanks for the day.


Thank you all for joining YHC this morning.


Burns – YHC looks forward to the next one.  Have a great day!


  • Van Gogh
    January 16, 2020 11:03 am

    Good stuff, Spam! WIB flew by this morning. YHC gave a wave to the videographer and he seemed surprised someone noticed him.

  • Spamalot
    January 16, 2020 11:12 am

    I flashed him the peace sign as well. He seemed amused by our antics this morning.

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