Peak to Peak

QIC: Red Baron

Date: 6/24/20

PAX: Cherry pie, Tarheel,H.O.G,Litter box, Razzie,Lambchop,Spicoli,Palen,Glazer, Mr. Woodchuck,Snake eyes, Red Baron (Q)

It was a beautiful morning to enjoy a nice beat down. 12 brave Pax showed to be apart of it.
Warm -A-Rama

SSH x20 (IC)

Imperial Storm Troopers x20 (IC)

Whirly w/ Clap x 10(IC)

Abe Vigota x 6 IC

Squats x 10 (IC)

Merkins x 10 (IC)

mosey over to the track for a warm up lap and then we headed to the pull up bars at the top of the hill.
The Thang

10 Pull Ups

20 Merkins


mosey to the intimidator and then run up the intimidator

top of intimidator

10 Burpees

10 Dive Bombers

10 double count American Hammer
We then ran back to the pull up bars and repeat all until time.

low flutter x 15 (IC)

V-ups x 10 (IC)

Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)

Freddie Mercury x 20 (IC)

American Hammer x 20 (IC)


H.O.G is leading IS and Tractor OG at Hanes park.

Spicoli- told us about a weekly  peer led discussion on equality, racism and improvement. Monday’s at 5 via zoom. DM @F3Hoptoberfest #Thework


Mr. Woodchuck was joining us from Jacksonville, FL. He put in hard work, the sunshine state would be proud.
Litter box and H.O.G were the mvps of the day. They were definitely not intimidated my the intimidator.
They both also didn’t let me finish with Mary two min early. Won’t  happen again!!
All in all great group of men and thanks to Razzie for letting me lead them!!