Good Things Come in 3s

QIC: Ziggy Stardust

Date: 10/13/20

PAX: Drama Queen, Schneider, Boomerang, TPS, Total Recall, Ziggy Stardust (Q)

A stalwart group of six Parliament regulars gathered in the gloom on what is likely one of the last balmy mornings of late fall.  YHC had his first chance to try out his new Tribit XSound Go Bluetooth Speaker

Beatdown went as follows.


SSH x 15

Whirly With the Clap

Toy Soldiers

Arm Swirly Things

Seal Claps

We finished the warm up with a set of BLIMPS:

(Burpees x 5, Lunges X 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Merkins x 20, Plank Jacks x 25, Squats x 30)



Three stations in sequence from the covered walkway across to the other end of the parking lot.


Transportation: Bear crawl to each station

Station One: 15 Merkins

Station Two: 15 Diamond Merkins

Station Three: 15 Wide Merkins

Mosey back


Bunny hop to each station

Station One: 15 Squat Jumps

Station Two: 15 Monkey Humpers

Station Three: 15 Calf Raises

Mosey back


Lunge to each station

Station One: 15 plank jacks

Station Two: 15 LBCs

Station Three: 15 Heels to Heaven

Two Rounds of these (merkins reduced to 10x second round)


Tabata with blocks

30 seconds exercise / 10 seconds rest


Skull Crushers

Bent Over Row

Overhead Press

Chest Press

Repeat three rounds


Five minutes of Mary:

Low Flutter

Mutton Crunch

Penguin Crunch

Alabama Prom Date

TR finished up with his newly minted and patented Chris Dyer Penguin Crunch for time.


DQ: “at least the music is good” in reference to the Q’s workout (or new speakers)

No announcements

Prayer request for the family of a friend of DQ, who passed away recently after retirement.

TR took us out.

Privileged to lead today. Strong work men!