How Many Lampposts

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 10/19/2020

PAX: H.O.G. (WB), Total Recall, Wobegan, $5Footlong, Drip and Boomerang (WD)

It has been, not counting last week, a long, long time since I had been to The Estate. Also, the pressure was on to not oversleep (see Sassy’s 10/12 Backblast, if questions). Therefore YHC arrived early and waited. 5 additional PAX appeared, with one wearing 4 layers of clothing. It wasn’t that cold this AM, but everyone to their own workout attire. YHC soon found out that said PAX and one other were walking, due to being on IR and would join us for COT. With the remaining 4 PAX we began the workout.

3 Stretch exercises and a round of Abe Vigoda and then a short mosey for continuation of the Warmup of 15 SSH and 15 IST. Another mosey and 8 OYO Dyer Burpees. Trying to get TR’s named exercise to Lexicon status.

Partner up and start a twist on Doracide.

Exercise #1-150 Merkins/Dry Docks, Exercise #2-LBC’s/Low Flutters, and Exercise #3 Squats/Monkey Humpers

Partner 1 starts doing a combination exercise #1 while Partner 2 runs to the 5th lamppost.  Return and Flapjack. Once exercise #1 is complete, partners move to 5th lamppost and begin exercise #2. Follow same pattern, once completed follow same pattern for exercise #3, advancing 4 lamposts. Once all were done run to last lamppost 13.

For the return alternate mosey and lunge walk between each lamppost and a Mary exercise at each lamppost (13). The following exercises were done mostly on a 10 count, except merkins (15) and burpees (5)-American Hammer, Dyer Crunch, Alabama Prom Dates, Pickle Pounders, Freddie Mercs, Rosalita, Low Dolly, Mutton Crunch Left, Mutton Crunch Right, LBC’s and we spelled VOTE NOW.

Quick mosey back to start and had time for a couple of more Mary things.



No announcements.

Prayer Requests: Taylor, daughter of friend of Drip’s M, in a bad accident. Prayers for our community as the pandemic continues to wear on all of us, how to be kind, loving and understanding. YHC took us out with about mentioned requests and continued healing for Drip and $5Footlong.

Mubble Chatter:

As YHC didn’t make it to Purgatory on Saturday he was unaware that a lot of leg work took place. Apology given in advance for excessive number of squats/money humpers.

Support given to TR for his Dyer adaptation of a couple of exercises. Doing all we can to get them out there.

Strategic location of Pickle Pounders, under the security cameras, is always a good choice.

Strong partner work by the PAX today, well done!!

Oh yeah, there are 14 locations of lampposts, but a total of 15 from the start of the bridge to the road at the end of the path. In case you were wondering.

H.O.G the keys are at a lamppost with a camera, get Zima to check the video, if you can’t find them.