Escalating Tabata at R-n-G


Date: 11/16/2020

Winklevoss, Burlap, Zuckerburg, Palin, Juicebox, Glazer, Cheerio, “Bout time, Wobegon, Mutton, Closer, BALCO

Despite twitter warnings 11 PAX decided to join YHC for R-n-G this AM.  We started with a deceptively hilly 5K through BV.

Tabata (40s on and 20s off) – each set had 2 exercises.  Second exercise increased with each rep
1. Burpee with escalating push-ups (1 Burpee then 1 Burpee with extra push-up, the 1 Burpee w 2 extra push-ups, etc)
2. Plank jack x 4 w tuck in
3. MC x 4 w Carolina Dry Dock
4. High knees x 4 w Jump squat
Repeated for a total of 4 sets of each
YHC took us out asking for prayers for all involved with the COVID from the top of government all the way down to the kids.  Also prayed for peace and unity during these difficult times.
1. At 0529 Burlap announced he was going to leave a little early
2. During the route YHC expressed to Zuck that YHC was unaware that the route was going to be so hilly.  He then stated that he assumed the tweeted warning was about the route.  He was incorrect.
3. There was a lot of complaining during the first round of Tabata but then it was awfully quiet.
4. Tuck-ins suck-ins
5.  Today’s tabata style was inspired by one of the trainers at the Y (Karen) who is often heard motivationally screaming at my M while she works out in the basement via YouTube.
6.  Always a pleasure leading and being led by the Dashpax


  • Burlap
    November 16, 2020 5:43 pm

    Saying “I’m going to leave a little early” is more polite than saying “I don’t want to be seen with you guys.” And notice that Wobegon joined me — a discerning gentleman.

  • Spamalot
    November 17, 2020 8:42 am

    Many gems in this BB. Taking beatdown ideas from women trainers will only result in guys getting their asses kicked. Women are so much tougher than we are.

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