Christmas Eve Morning at TheDistillery
QIC: Schneider
Date: 12-24-2021
PAX: Louis Lane, Turnover, 60 Minutes, Sour Mash, Schneider
Warm up: SSH, Steve Earls, Whirly w/clap, Abe Vagoda, Arm Swirly F/B, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Standing Hamsteing stretch L over R and R over L, groin stretch, Bent Leg Body Twist.
The Thang: We took turns rolling a 12 sided die with exercise and numbers printed on it.
Mary: LBC, Freddy Mercury’s, Cobra Crunch, Protractor.
Announcements: Plungers going away party Saturday after Purgatory and IS. Watch the Twitter and slack for more deets.
Prayers: For those traveling and dealing with family. For those dealing with recent lost loved ones.
Turnover took us out.