Hammerin Hank and 755 at the Village

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 01/25/2021

PAX: Boomerang, Sour Mash, Harden, Little Piggy, Drama Queen

YHC has rolled out a workout fondly called The 700 Club at several AOs. Lately there had been several Pat Robertson references, but it was first conceived at my one and only Flatline Q when we ran to the ballpark and celebrated Hank Aaron’s anniversary of either breaking Babe Ruth’s record or maybe it was his first ML HR.  Whatever the occasion there were 700 reps followed that day by 55 burpees to get us all the way to 755.

There have been some modifications in the exercises – notably adding rocks or kettlebells to one end but basically the same idea.  Two ends of a parking lot or hill 7 exercises on each end x 25 reps per round x 2 rounds of each exercise.  That gets you to 700 and today in honor of Hank’s passing we were bringing back the burpees.  With no pax knowing what was in store 4 others showed up anyway.

We began with some of the standard warmorama finishing of course with Dry Dock Crabs.  It was a less than stellar performance.  YHC called it quickly and we moseyed to the well lit lower lot to find two cardboards with instructions.  While YHC set up music pax gathered rocks.

The task then began.  Exercises consisted of

Rock side

Swings, Curls, Squats, Dead lifts, Overhead press, Bent over rows and Floor to shelf (L/R)

Body weight side

Merkins, LBCs, Plank Jacks, Low Dollies, Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercs and SSHs

When finished we were at 735 reps – we knocked out 5 more burpees after rocks were put up, 5 at the stop sign and 10 somewhat modified (hey – Hank got his last HRs as a DH in Milwaukee).

Done about 1 minute over but I think we started a minute late.


Sour Mash and Boomerang were confused when YHC drove away at about 5:20 after getting out of car.  Plan was to stop at the lower lot and leave the cardboard but forgot.  Still had time to get there and back #confusetheidiotsearly

It was looking like the three early risers would be it but Harden and Little Piggy rolled in at a little before Spicoli time.  Spicoli however did not roll in at all

Boomerang and Little Piggy were the Larry Birds of the day but Mash, Harden and YHC were not far behind

There seemed to be a skunk nearby – we debated if the smell of the dead one in the road up near Ronni’s could be drifting that far, or if there were two, or if Mash had been into the moonshine last night

Good to see Harden is out of quarantine

Music was a little soft but YHC figured it out and got the old school rock going – playlist ranged from Molly Hatchet to Amy Winehouse.  Pax seemed to approve

As YHC was leaving thought I spotted 2 “former” WeFoCo pax – Rameses and Quiver #running bromance


The Work is tonight and if you’re reading this now you’ve already missed it – sorry I did too.

Alcatraz starts this Sat at ROCC 6AM and 7AM options

Little Piggy is hosting a nomad bootcamp on Friday at 0530 at The Square in Lewisville


Sgt Schultz is making progress but he’s bored – or something like that – see Mash for more detailed comments

Boomerang has relatives with new baby but the parents have covid

YHC took us out and tried to get the pax to respond to “There will come a day when I’m not able to be out here”  with “But today is not that day”  They were weak in their response but strong in their work today.