Grinding It Out at B&W

QIC: Manscape

Date: 02-17-2021

PAX: Poncho, Tigger, Organ Grinder, Balco, Interference, The Singing Cowboy, Toe Tag, Atrophy, Lemming, Tinker (WB), Data, Closer, Winkelvoss, BAM, Lace, Bluto, Starfish, Manscape (WD)

18 PAX did not let sub-freezing temperatures prevent them from posting to the latest edition of Bells & Whistles.


ABE Vigodas
Arm Swirly Things

Break into teams of 3 for 3 man grinder, 2 stations, team members run between stations.

Station 1 – Parking Lot

Bent Over Rows
Overhead Press
Skull Crushers
Goblet Squats
Elf on the Shelf
Kettle Bell Swings
Figure Eights
Upright Rows

Station 2 – Entrance

Plank Jacks
Low Flutter
WWII Sit-Ups
Hand Release Merkins
Heels to Heaven
Alt Shoulder Taps
Low Dolly
American Hammer

YHC accidentally erased his recording and went by memory on which PAX were there (as well as announcements). YHC may have counted someone who was not there and omitted someone who was. YHC apologizes if that is the case.

Blood Drive on Saturday
Continued prayers for The Singing Cowboy’s family
Prayers for expectant parents Organ Grinder and M!
Prayers for others suffering illness, remember family of Double Trouble in Charlotte


Strong effort by all of the PAX, kept constantly on the move
Great 2nd F at the 2 stations
Enjoyed teaming with Lemming and Tinker
Thanks for the keys TSC, appreciate your continued leadership at this AO!