A Few of My (least) Favorite Things – VI 3.22.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 3.22.2021

PAX: Schneider, Singing Cowboy, Drama Queen, Sour Mash, Harden, Snake Eyes, Spicoli, Burns

YHC arrived early to set up the parking lot for the beatdown and got a lap in on the track to get the blood flowing. I arrived back in the parking lot as TSC & Schneider were finishing up their weekly 2-mile EC run, and not too far behind them Harden & Sour Mash rolled in. YHC owed Zima 26 burpees from a missed HC on Saturday morning, so I knocked those out as DQ and Snake Eyes came in, and then Spicoli came on SpicoliTime (TM) as we started WoR.

Warm up – Abe Vigoda x8, Whirlys x12, ISTs x15(meant to do 12, got carried away…whoops), Hillbillies x12, Arm swirlies forward x12, Arm swirlies backward x12, Michael Phelps x12.

The thang – 10 equidistant stations posted around the parking lot with an exercise that I do not like doing. Pick a spot to start (it does not matter where) and go in either direction around the parking lot (it does not matter which direction). Start with 2 reps at the first station, then increase by 2 reps at each subsequent station until you’ve done 20 reps at the last station in the loop. Then, mosey to the track and do a loop around the track, stopping at each turn to do 5 burpees.  Mosey back to the parking lot, pick a station to start at, and repeato until time.

The exercises (not in order)

Bonnie Blairs
Mike Tysons
Crunchy Frogs
Carolina Dry Humpers
Parker Peters
Star Squat Jumps
Diamond Merkins

Mary – LBCs & low flutter x20 IC.

The primary goal was constant movement and elevated heart rates, and the secondary goal was for me to do some exercises that I dislike so that I could come to like them more. Primary goal was accomplished, secondary goal not so much.

Of note – Carolina Dry Humpers…start in a plank position, jump and bring your feet up towards your hands, do 1 CDD, jump feet back into plank.  Corkscrews (a Zima favorite…I included these only in hopes that he would show up)…heels to heaven with a trunk twist at the top.

8 men showed up, 8 men got a great workout, most men got some good 2nd F while we were at it. DQ claimed to be fighting a case of the Mondays, but I don’t think it slowed him down much. All pax got two full laps completed and most of a third, with a few pax getting 3+ full cycles completed.

YHC likes this format for a beatdown and will probably recycle it at some point. Beware.

TSCs father’s birthday is tomorrow, Snake Eyes’ M’s birthday (Mrs. Snake Eyes to you) is today. Well wishes to both.

Vaccine appointments are available, and in some places there are minimal questions being asked. Try and get an appointment if you haven’t yet; Walgreens seems to be a promising spot, and Davie County is giving them out like suckers at the bank.

Spicoli shared a good word about being mindful of those in our immediate and our secondary circles who cannot join us at F3 for a variety of reasons, but wish to. Be as uplifting to them in our daily lives as we are to one another in the gloom.

YHC took us out. Thanks for the keys, Snake Eyes!