Rolling the Die…or Dice.

QIC: Turnover

Date: 3.25.21

PAX: Burns (WB) , Huckleberry , H.O.G. , Litterbox , Dr Toot (WD) , Mutton , Lysol , Burlap , Spicoli , Cherry Pie , Zima , Boo Boo , Work Bench , Honey Badger , Turnover (Q)

We had great weather and a great turnout for a WIB that provided the chance to do zero burpees. Our fate would be in a roll (or rolls) of the dice.

15 PAX descended upon Whitaker Square eager to get after it, and get after it they did.

Warm O Rama

Usual Suspects including Arm Swirly Things (or if you’re Cherry Pie, burpees)


4 Stations: 3 consisting of 2 exercises and 1 Burpee station.

At the Burpee station, there were 4 dice. PAX were to roll the dice and perform a corresponding number of burpees to the number(s) rolled, UNLESS a roll resulted in 4 of a kind. If you roll 4 of a kind –> No Burpees. (*Announcer Voice*: nobody rolled 4 of a kind)

Station 1: Wide Merkins and Diamond Merkins

Station 2: Bobby Hurleys and Sumo Squats

Station 3: Freddie Mercs and WW2s

Station 4: Burpees and Dice

PAX were to perform 5 reps of each exercise + whatever the Burpee total was according to the dice. Then add 5 reps of each exercise on every lap (10, 15, 20, 25, etc)

All PAX got through at least 5 full rounds, with a few studs completing the Merkin Station and then some on the 6th lap.

All said, everyone got in around 60 Burpees (unless you’re Cherry Pie) and 150+ of the other exercises.

Great push by all involved, especially Cherry Pie, H.O.G., and Litterbox. (at least that’s who looked to be leading the pack…it was hard to tell from where I was, so far behind)



@Dr Toot is taking over as site Q for WIB next week, and he’s got the Q for it.

State of the PAX address will happen on June 5th

Shmedfest is last weekend in August. Back at the fairgrounds

Get your vaccine, if you’re into that. There’s a lot of supply. Check Baptist, Novant, Department of Health for details.

Prayer Requests

Prayers for those struggling with depression and feeling disconnected during this time

Prayers for those in Boulder, CO

Prayers for H.O.G.’s cousin who recently lost her baby

YHC took us out thanking Him for the fellowship and asking for eyes to see the opportunities to show His love to those around us.


Let the record show that everyone loved the Burpee station and thought it was fair.

The reps really got out of hand toward the end.

H.O.G. and Litterbox lead the way all morning. Stop me if you’ve heard this before

There seemed to be a large pack toward the front of the group and a large pack toward the back of the group all morning. YHC was in and out of consciousness in between both packs most of the morning.

Zima was heard complaining or making excuses about something at one point. Stop me if you’ve heard this before

The Respects were getting after it and making everything look easy

Cherry Pie seems to have kicked the post-COVID symptoms and caught a new wind since entering the ranks of the Respects.

On one lap when I arrived at the Burpee station and found Burns and Dr Toot getting after it, I asked how many Burpees we needed to do on this round. Dr Toot responded with “11” to which I replied “No I was asking how many Burpees I have to do.” I figured he was just reciting his well-documented favorite number.

It was an honor to “lead” (see: chase) this group around the parking lot today. Thanks to all who posted.

Dr Toot, I think I dropped the keys in that dark alley behind Tuesday Morning.


  • Burlap
    March 25, 2021 4:32 pm

    It’s ok to add five when you have only one set of merkins at the station but two sets became brutal.

    It’s also ok to peak at 25 and start coming back down.

    Just in case you ever Q this ridiculousness again.

  • Turnover
    March 25, 2021 4:59 pm

    Thank you for the submission, Burlap. It will be taken into consideration, but I cannot guarantee I will act upon it.

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