Jumping the Rope

QIC: Closer

Date: 3/25/2021

PAX: BAM, Cheesesteak, Closer

A PAX of 3 barely found enough room at the former grounds of #TheEstate to jump some rope. $5 Footlong and Wobegon did their own thing around the grounds and joined for COT.  It was a good thing WIB chose a different site or we might have been crowded and forced to be closer then the Covid safe 6 feet.

45 minutes of Tabata.

20 secs on, 10 secs off x 8

10 sets with 30 secs rest in between


1. Jump and Cat Cow

2. Jump and Squat

3. Jump and Merkins

4. Jump and Lunges

5. Jump and LBCs

6. Jump and Heals to Heaven

7. Jump and Jack Reacher

8. Jump and Alternate Knee Touches

9. Jump and Plank

10. Jump and American Hammer

  • Rocked out to some 2000s Alternative


Strong work today and good to catch up  bit when I wasn’t too out of breath. It was an official F3 workout as the 5 core principles were mentioned and we closed in a COT.