WIB Fun and Cranky Old Men 04/07/21


Date: 04/07/21

PAX: Root Canal (WD), Drama Queen, Cherry Pie, HOG, Burns (WB), Greenspan, Spicoli, Drip, Cheesesteak, Spamalot, BAM

WIB – Workout in a bag/box , is a concept created by some batflipper in F3 somewhere.  The concept is simple, pax often can’t post in the morning with their brothers, either because they are out of town or don’t like somebody, you know, usual stuff.  So, a WIB workout allows pax to virtually join their brothers in the gloom, even when they can’t be there.   How is this accomplished you ask?  Unlike a typical beatdown, where a QIC holds all the secrets on his #weinke, the Q creates and shares a plan ahead of time for pax to be able to take with them when they travel – you know, they can put it in their bag.  #marketing
So, since today’s QIC is an old codger who both loves tradition and messing with the status quo, (and it’s Masters week, the ultimate tradition rich adventure) all traditional WIB “rules” were followed and hoped for the best!

YHC wasn’t sure what kind of crowd to expect this morning since many pax are out of town and there are quality options all around.  Evidently, HDHH was fertile recruiting ground!  #morethanaworkout

The Nantan and YHC arrived at the same time, as we were getting out of our cars, thought we were the only 2.  Nope!  There was a lovely gaggle of pax already circled up in the more central part of the parking lot.

Conversations of beer swilling were regaled, Spicoli made sure his car didn’t tip over while he stretched, and CP was prepped for the next Noreaster that might come rolling through.  (or he was trying to make weight for his boxing match later today)
0530 hit so, Q gathered the crowd and got started!
Officially there was a warm-o-rama that consisted of SSH’s, then the Q thought, this is stupid, and they took off.
Lowe’s Foods – Robinhood Rd
Round 1 x 5, add 5 per round
#1 (in front of Great Clips)
Peter Parkers (each leg)
#2 (near River Birch)
Low flutter (each leg)
Alternating Shoulder Taps
jump squats
#3 (near Frame It)
Mt Climbers (each leg)
Crucible Merkin
Apollo Ohno’s
#4 (In front of Burke St)
Cumberland County Viaduct (each side)
Monkey Humpers
  • 1st lap was at warm-o-rama like pace to show pax stations, and then they were released to their fasthole speeds
  • All pax got in at least 5 laps, and the usual suspects got in 5.75 laps
  • YHC got his 2nd vax shot yesterday afternoon and thankfully currently experiencing no side effects, so was able to actually post! #getyourshot #justlikeEminem
  • Since YHC is a benevolent Q, he stayed back with the slower crowd to encourage them and celebrate their effort.  As a result, much of the comments below, happened in YHC’s mind
  • Root Canal broke wind excessively
  • HOG muttered under his breath why he was cursed to hang out with so many heathens as he attempted to lap the pax
  • CP was excited to finally be faster than Zima
  • Cheesesteak kept trying to tell the pax the proper yoga name for Cumberland County Viaducts, no one cared
  • Burns kept tripping over his ever growing beard
  • Greenspan and Drip just smiled at each other like the happy fools they are, barely breaking a sweat
  • Faster guys got a chuckle out of the Q adding an ‘h’ to Apollo Ohno’s, thinking it was on purpose instead of Q being too lazy to look up proper spelling.  But “Ohno’s” sounds funnier.
  • Not as much excitement in the tier 2 group, other than DQ going full Chippendale for the early workers at Lowe’s Foods.  Thankfully he was able to outrun the tasers
  • Spamalot got chatty around lap 3 which subsequently impacted his ability to count
  • Nantan also was slightly disappointed to learn the WIB doesn’t have a separate Mary section, as Spicoli mentioned, it’s baked into the pie!
  • Speaking of Spicoli, he preferred farm raised burpees instead of what was called for station 4.  (Farm raised, because we all know burpees are an invasive species that can’t survive in the wild)


  • get your shot
  • lots of workouts coming
  • HOG mentioned something, and YHC has promptly forgotten it, so be sure to ask him
  • CP encouraged every pax to reach out to Roosevelt since we hadn’t seen him in a while (ok, he actually encouraged everybody to think of somebody they haven’t seen in a while and reach out to them!) #morethanaworkout

Prayer requests

  • Pax traveling
  • Job searches
  • We’re getting closer to getting back to “touch a sweaty guy” COT’s!


  • Spicoli
    April 8, 2021 11:32 am

    Great WIB and 2ndF while embracing the suck. Good job on the BB and being inclusive even if the guys a few hundred feet away the entire morning. #inclusion

    Note for all PAX: YHC stepped into the grocery store and the cashier asked “did you say hello to us this morning when you were running by?” And I told her yes, we called out Good Morning as we passed. She seemed to indicate that the fast holes were less friendly as they passed by then those of us at the Six. Not trying to shame anyone, but remember we are all potentially stewards and representatives of our community. Just a note to be intentional and kind whenever possible. You never know when it might make a difference. 👊❤️

    • BAM
      April 8, 2021 11:42 am

      Especially good to be nice to grocery store folks if you’re going into said store soon, sweaty and looking super sketch with a bandit style “mask” 😆

      • Spicoli
        April 8, 2021 6:55 pm

        I was most definitely looking sketch. But that’s kinda everyday too…

  • Spamalot
    April 8, 2021 12:42 pm

    Always be nice. How difficult is it to smile at someone and say hi?

    The final four guys easily had the best time, if not form. Also, we did not get lost.

    There was a wide range of smells today. Garbage, biscuits, and second hand smoke.

    Lunch bunch tomorrow, 1145 at La Carretta. Whitaker square. Mmmmmm

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