Blackbeard Challenge 2021

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 05/31/21

PAX: Splash, Zima, Van Gogh, Silver Fox, Ziggy Stardust (WD), Spicoli, HOG (WB), Bam, Sourmash, Sgt. Schultz, Burlap, Sea-Man, Boo-Boo, Paw Patrol (f/k/a Andy Bishop), Triple Lindy, Atrophy, Spamalot (QIC)

There are many ways one can honor the ultimate sacrifices that hundreds of thousands of men and women have made in defense of our country.  Today, 17 Pax came together to remember one such brave hero.


SSG Matthew A. Pucino


Started and organized by his family (initially his two sisters), the Matthew A. Pucino Foundation’s mission is to, in part, provide for the needs of combat wounded soldiers and their families and families of the fallen.


Sound familiar?  It is not about you.  It is about the other person.  Your neighbor.  The complete stranger that needs someone.


This year’s rendition of the Challenge was simple enough.


10 Burpees

25 Squats

1 Minute Plank

50 Crunches

25 Leg Lifts

10 Push-Ups

1 Mile Run/Ruck (while wearing a 20# vest or ruck sack)


The goal was to complete the above cycle 5 times, more if you felt so moved.  Several felt so moved.


As the workout was performed on the Meadowlark track, the group stayed together, which was definitely part of the plan.


After the completion of each cycle, YHC read a statement to the Pax as they performed the exercices.


At the start of the event, it was from the SSG Pucino website:


About SSG Pucino


After the first mile, YHC read 36 US Code 116.
After the second mile, YHC read President Eisenhower’s 1955 Memorial Day Proclamation:
After the third mile, it was (supposed to be) Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen (about the horrors of trench warfare in WWI):
Finally, YHC was going to read the Gettysburg Address:
Due to spacing and timing, YHC did not get a change to read Owen’s poem or Lincoln’s speech.  Feel free to take the time now.



FNG Paw Patrol was so named due to an in-depth conversation Zima once had with one of Paw Patrol’s daughters.  The fact that Paw Patrol posted to the Murph and THEN this Challenge tells us all we need to know.  This guy is a keeper!  Welcome!


Thank you all for coming out to the Challenge.  I hope it in some way contributed to a meaningful day of remembrance.


During COT, Spicoli (as always) helped the group stay focused.

Sgt. Schultz and Bam briefly shared personal stories of colleagues/friends who had paid the ultimate sacrifice.