Brown Bag’n at BnW

QIC: Airbag

Date: 6/9/21

PAX: Airbag, Bam, Interference, Winklevoss, Atrophy, Special, Sweat Tea, Wobegon, Closer, Lace, Balco, Lemming, Manscape

Thirteen brave Pax sweat it out in the streets of Greenbrier Farm on the morning of June 9th.  Well, they did so in the parking lot of the clubhouse of Greenbrier Farm for Bells n Whistles on an exceptionally muggy day.  All exercises were written on grocery bags due to a conspicuous lack of cardboard at chez Airbag.

Warm-o-rama: Started out with simple stretching, touch toes, abe, then moved to SSH, IST, Mr. Phelps, Moroccan night clubs (all 15 IC), then a series of Merkins to plank jax to plank (10 IC except the plank which we counted off 2x around the circle about 30 seconds worth of planking).

Then a mosey to show the Pax the two lap system, short (around the parking area) and long (up the hill to the cones).

Then we counted off into 3 groups and started at one of three pain stations with running in between each.  We did three exercises at each station, then ran.  The running cadence was short, short, long, repeat.  Pax who completed the workout would have done 6 shorts and 3 longs.

Station 1 – Bells. All 25 reps.  Pax were left to determine how to evenly divide 25 by 2 when it was warranted.  Bent over rows, overheart press, lunges, L/R (run), skull crushers, elf on shelf, L/R, goblet squats (run), bench press, curls L/R, kb swings (run)

Station 2 – Core and Merkins. All 20 reps except burpees (10). burpees, alt shoulder taps, mountain climbers, (run), mike tysons, peter parkers, wide merkins (run), merkins, carolina dry docks, nolan ryans (run).

Station 3 –  Abs.  All 30 reps, may cause grumbling. Box cutters, low flutter, mutton crunch (run), Freddy Mercs, LBCs, penguin crunch (run), American hammer, WWII’s, low dolly (run)