Olympic Leg Effort at Distillery

QIC: Snake Eyes

Date: June 24, 2021

PAX: Van Gogh, Crash, 60 Minutes, Schneider, Footclan

EC Run- I shocked Schneider by showing up for this one, but don’t count on another one for a while. Schneider has been EH-ing me for a while, and it paid off! We took a nice stroll around dark Clemmon’s corners, and it was fun.



Well we finished with the core principles, and then threw a curve ball with the sixth principle: imperial storm troopers! This would not be the only curve thrown.



Hill Billy-IC

15 merkins OYO

25 squats


Legs are loose now.


The Deal:

Grab your cinderblock (everyone but Schneider, who started with a brick)

Mosy to start line in parking lot

Start strong with “Murder Frogs”: hold cinderblock close to chest, and squat down to leap frog forward. Wow, glad those are done.

Get to new start line: Ladder work 11’s- One squat and 10-pistons

After squat with cinderblock, rotate, so everyone can experience the brick love, then lunge down probably 25 parking spaces, where you will perform 10 pistons.

Rotate blocks, and before turning back, everyone makes a valiant attempt at throwing a frisbee at a standing log in order to have the freedom to choose how they carry their brick back. Schneider hit three in a row, I think, so we moved it back, which Crash discreetly and wisely, adjusted later.

Backwards lunge back to the squats- don’t forget the block.



Everyone took the leg focus pretty well, but we threw in some merkins for Schneider who wanted to do arm swirl things for warm up- close enough.

VG is always in for more pain, so he welcomed the crescendo of murder frogs.

Glad to have footclan out, who seemed unflappable against the torrent of leg work: cyclist aficionado.

Sixty was in a joyous mood as usual!

Crash  did great work, and even color coordinated with Schneider- let us know next time guys and we can all match.


Announcements: something about double VQ this Saturday at Alcatraz, Convergence on July 5th, etc.

Prayers: Schneider and family, Footclan travels, and my wife’s travels.