Burpees, Abs, and Halfpipes
Date: 6/28/2021
PAX: Crash, Wobegone, Greenspan, Michael Bolton, Workbench, Huck, Lace, Lamb Chop, H.O.G
YHC has the bear race coming up next week, and wanted to make sure there was some last second training for the race this week. So what is better than finding a hill halfpipe to run up and down while doing some burpees and abs.
Warm Up:
Abe Vigoda
Slow Whirlies
Stretchy Stretch
The Thang:
Mosey over to Pennington Ln for the halfpipe
On corner of Yorkshire and Pennington do:
5 burpees, 15 LBCs, 15 Crunchy Frog, 15 Leg Lift pulses, 15 Leg Lifts
run down Pennington Ln to corner of Pennington and Archer and do
5 burpees, 15 each side side crunches, 15 American Hammers, 15 penguin crunch, 15 freddy mercury
continue back and for for 40ish minutes
mosey back to start for some more stretchy stretch
July 3rd Blood Drive
July 3rd Convergence Hanes Park
July 5th Convergence Sherwood Elementary- Run and Gun 6am/ Bootcamp 7am
Shmedfest August 27-28
Workbench was excited to work on his abs for the beach
Most Pax wanted to omaha to something else
Most Pax complained about the hill especially up too Archer
Greenspan was wondering when someone would actually use the hill- he still was not a fan of the idea
Lace flew by everyone
Crash and Wobegone were strong and encouraged each other
Huck was smiling afterward and during- must love pain
Lamb chop finally came to a Monday Workout- Bout time
Michael Bolton aka “The Real King of the Throne” was consistent and never stopped
Tigger, YHC left the key on Pennington Ln and Archer for you to run and get them.