The Walking Wounded

QIC: Dr. Toot

Date: 11 September 2021

PAX: Mutton,Palin (WB), Drip, Dr. Toot(WD,Q), Spicoli, Crash

An unusual Saturday morning arrived with the Q being a bit distracted with a wonky right knee, decided to keep the leg work to an absolute minimum. Turns out there were others in the same boat, so as so often occurs, everything is right in the F3 universe.

Warmorama was a  hodgepodge of stretchy stretches and a controversial ignorance of side straddle hops.

Super slow mosey to the tennis courts for a bear crawl, 20 merkins, crawl bear, 20 merkins, crab walk, 20 WWIIs, walk crabs, and 20 WWIIs. We then moseyed to the pull up bars for six rounds of Cindy, which was 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, and 15 WWIIs per round. Once completed, we dropped down to the shelter at the track for Cherry Pie inspired Mary. 20 reps of WWIIs, Freddy Merc’s pickle pounders.

Walked across the track to the tennis store benches for 20 dips, 10 erkins, 10 up Peter Parkers, 10 upper Mike Tysons, 20 dips, 10 merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Mike Tysons, 20 dips, 10 derkins, 10 down Peter Parkers, 10 down Mike Tysons.

Walked to the playground for a ladder of 10 horizontal pull ups, 1 WWII, 9 horizontal pull-ups, 2 WWIIs, …….1 horizontal pull up, 10 WWIIs.

Walked to the base of the Intimidator for long lasting arm swirly things.

Walked to the home base for long lasting Mary.


COT: Discussed the credentials we receive when we persevere through bad things so that we can speak into the lives of others that are going through similar things later. Press on. Persevere.

MNM: Palin’s mumble chatter was strong. Drip pleasantly led the way throughout. Mutton inspires HIM to strive for more. Spicoli was not deterred when he had challenges finding us. IS regulars will enjoy the Q from Crash in a few weeks. A lot of remembrances of 9/11.