Dodge Bus

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 9/16/2021

PAX: Organ Grinder, Mongoose, Ziggy Stardust, BAM, Frosbite (WB), Bevo, Tonka, Green Acres (WD), Holy Moly, Boomerang (YHC)

Normally for the title of the workout, YHC always likes to name it after an event that happens during the workout. Today was no different. With the “new” normal for the early bus at Speas being the driver tries to see how fast they can get around the back of the school, it appears future rock work will need to include a round of Dodge Bus each week.  Hopefully soon, both the PAX and driver will learn the other’s weekly routine and all will be right.

Anyway…the workout began with the normal warmarama stuff-SSH, Imperial Walkers, Arm Swirlies and other arm things and some stretches. Then off to find some rocks appropriate for no running with them but high reps. Once the rock of your choice was found to the safety of the wall to begin the beatdown.

12 exercises, first round 15 reps, run around the circle, second round 20 reps, run around the circle and most PAX got in a third round of 25 reps, some were able to get started on 30 reps

OH Press




Skull Crushers


Bench Press

American Hammers

Plank Jacks

Alternating Lunges

Bent Over Rows

Gas Pump

Some would agree that time quickly passed and we were back at the start and finished.


Greenest on 9/18, Ziggy has the Q-meet there at 9AM

Prayer Requests:

Giles’s wife continued progress through treatments

Blue Steel’s recovery after surgery

Lampchop and M as they look to start a family

Mongoose and family as they go through tough times

Chomper and family continue to keep them in your prayers with the loss of his nephew

YHC took us out


Sometimes XM radio does play some slow songs on the Classic Rock channel-ask Bevo.

Bevo may bring back Daddy Wedding Dance workout soon-hope so

Strong work by all today-most got in 720+reps, great to see Holy Moly becoming a regular.