
QIC: Wobegon

Date: 10-20-2021

PAX: Razzie, Tinker (visiting from Ohio), Spicoli, Lamb Chop, Litter Box, Wobegon.

The temperature was cool, the park was dark. Some headlights pulled over into the Y parking lot, those who knew what’s up rolled into the park lot and circled up.

Warm-O-Rama was your standard. 

Mosey to Track:

Today’s theme: the number 100.

First up: Track Work

  • Run half lap: 20 merkins
  • Run second half: 20 Mountain Climbers
  • Repeat for a total of 100 each. ( so 5 full laps)


Next up: Legs and Shoulders

  • Lunge walk 10 steps each side
  • Perform 10 squats
  • Perform 10 Carolina dry docks 
  • Complete this cycle 10 times.


Now…on to the Lightning Round!

Called IC:

  1. 10 Plank Jacks
  2. 10 Monkey Humpers
  3. 10 Peter Parker
  4. 10 Parker Peter
  5. 10 Parker Merkins (YHC was unaware of the ban on Lace created exercise at this AO. Oh well.)
  6. 10 Copper Headed Squats
  7. 10 Over Head Claps
  8. 10 Seal Claps (Note: not Bear Claps. Do we have Bear Claps? If not, why not?)
  9. 10 Toy Soldiers
  10. 10 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey back for Mary:

  1. 25 LBC
  2. 25 American Hammer
  3. 25 Penguin Crunch
  4. 25 Big Boy SIt-Ups

10 bonus Mary Merkins OYO.



  1. 100 merkins (not counting the 10 bonus Mary Merkins)
  2. 100 mountain climbers
  3. 100 lunges, each leg.
  4. 100 squats
  5. 100 Carolina dry docks
  6. 100 assorted legs/arms/shoulders exercises
  7. 100 assorted abs exercises



  • Spicoli with the Q Saturday at the Mother Ship
  • Prayers for family members struggling with addiction and how to best handle this.
  • Prayer for aging family members dealing with memory loss


YHC took us out with GREAT gratitude for this group and the push this morning. Welcome to Tinker from Ohio, in town to do some consulting work with Reynolda House–he specializes in museums and older buildings (of which Reynolda is both!) Hope to see him back next time.