Close Call at Alcatraz

QIC: Ziggy

Date: 10/23/2001

PAX: Van Gogh, Crash, Root Canal, Subfloor, Adobe, Ziffle, DJF

YHC actually left a little earlier than usual, planning to set a couple of things up while Root Canal was warming up the PAX at Super Maxx. While cruising along I-40 there were suddenly signs announcing that it was closed, so I had to figure out a detour as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it had me arriving five minutes late and I could see that VG had taken over duties and was taking the PAX toward the parking lot area where I had planned to start things off. Anyway, better late than never, and at least YHC did have a valid excuse for a near Q-fail.


For transportation to the first station we alternated between bear crawls halfway across, then 5 merkins; lunges to the next, thenĀ  5 squats. Once we reached the other side did a slow mosey to the cinder blocks. This was to be a test run of a new Tabata app with a programmable voice app that could announce the actual ‘F3 name’ of any exercise. Aim was a ‘full body workout’ alternating with stationary cardio. YHC was in the mood for a classic rock soundtrack.


40 seconds exercise / 10 seconds rest

First Round: Overhead Press / Forward Lunges / Bent Over Rows / Skull Crushers / American Hammers / Side Straddle Hop

Second Round: Chest Press / Reverse Lunges / Upright Rows / Curls / High Knees / Heels to Heaven /

Third Round: Burpees / Copperhead Squats / Merkins / Overhead Claps / Freddie Mercuries / Mountain Climbers

Fourth Round: Carolina Dry Docks / Squats / Diamond Merkins / Jack Reachers / Alabama Prom Dates / Monkey Humpers

(the tabata voice was strangely silent for a while after the last two, then rebooted)

Repeat First Round

After half an hour realized it was time to finish up and move on to a modified ‘Mary’ at the benches in front of the church.

We alternated between dips, erkins and derkins and a variety of ab exercises in cadence. With little time remaining we finished up in the parking lot for a short series of upright body destroyers.


Be on the lookout for an “AO Challenge” which Wobegon has put together.

Talk of a possible Christmas Party this year.

Coffeeteria upcoming at Alcatraz at future workouts.

Praise and prayers for wives of Jazzie and Giles as they begin to recover from treatments.

Strong work by all, pleasure to lead!

Keys somewhere in the parking lot VG.