I Got Your Tater Sack Right Here

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 10/27/2021

PAX: High Cotton, Splash, Crash, Boomerang, Zima, Drama Queen

After going to bed at a reasonable time with the Braves holding a comfortable lead, YHC arose and headed off to an old reliable AO (site of my first F3 post) and found Boomerang already in the parking lot dressed as if the gales of November came early – long pants, sleeves and toboggan.  He reported Zima was off on a warmup run so at least there would be three of us.  YHC expected a smaller crowed with game one of the World Series the night before.  Zima was surprised to learn that baseball was still being played.  That led to some discussion regarding Yankees which was one of the many recurring themes of the day.

Splash and Crash (sounds like characters from a Mario Brothers sequel) arrived shortly thereafter with Crash realizing that Boomerang perhaps was properly attired.  YHC realized it was time to ring the bell as High Cotton was pulling into the parking lot right on High Cotton time.  YHC, perhaps for the first time in Dash history, directed the pax to the website for the disclaimer, core principles, and mission statement.  All except Zima appeared to appreciate my confidence in their technical skills.

Just as warmorama began, High Cotton joined us and left us in record time.  Fortunately he returned after hiding his keys.  We went thru most of the standards including some old man stretching and finishing up with the DQ standard, dry dock crabs.  These brought forth usual MC and awkward movements.  Glad we work out in the dark with few people around to see.

On to a mini theme related to the WS.  With a potential for 7 games, we used the 7 light poles along the driveway by the school for stopping points and some exercises.  We moved up the hill and stacked squats, LBCs, merkins, Monkey humpers, low flutters, diamond merkins and burpees.  This moved along quickly but more MC of course with a garbage truck coming up the road and stopping shortly after a monkey humper round.  It’s amazing how many pax can do an impersonation of a garbage truck driver and know what he would say about grown men grabbing their ankles.

Enough of that and it was back down to the rock pile.  4 well known rock lifts were performed – curls, OH press, skull crushers, and bent over rows. But the fifth wild card lift brought out the best work and best MC of the morning.  YHC fondly calls these Tater Sacks AKA Elf on the Shelf, AKA The Haas, AKA Floor to Ceiling.  As you might imagine, the good names of both taters and sacks were taken in vain.  Zima even wanted to know the difference in Banana Hammocks and Tater Sacks and in a threatening tone declared “this better make the backblast”  So there.  Satisfied?

By round two some MC turned to grunts and all were happy to pack up their tater sacks, put their rocks away and move on to the shelter.

There, we picked a bench and covered step ups R and L, irkins, and dips.  We then split into partners and performed a modified super collider with 10 booyah merkins, 20 sit ups with partner planking and 30 squats.  We met back at the shelter and with time winding down got in one round of step ups and another collider lap.

On to the parking lot for a quick Mary of Freddie Mercs and Snow Angels.



Covered most of it already. It was a small but chatty group

Plan for the day was not very creative but think we covered a good bit of muscle groups

There was also something about Boomerang being a doctor because he talked to Splash.  Apparently that is a new way to earn the cherished M.D.  – talk to Splash and he’ll hook you up.  Perhaps you also need to be bald and drive a fancy car.  Check these and you too will be able to post your medical knowledge on social media.

However, for those Southerners who talk to Splash some interpretation may be required.  Still trying to get him to say tater instead of potato.  Bless his heart.  There’s that Yankee theme again

Missed site Q Turnover who apparently did not have as much faith in the Braves relievers as YHC


Zima has Q for WIB tomorrow at same location

Crash has Q at TRQ.  Therefore, for those of you keeping up with such things, 2 of the 3 Qs for tomorrow were in attendance today

Bloodsport has his VQ Saturday at Purgatory


YHC has friend with early dementia

Crash’s daughter has knee damage – she will miss soccer this year

Giles’ wife continuing chemo treatments

YHC took us out

Always an honor