The Hills of Lewisville
QIC: Drama Queen
Date: 10/22/2021
PAX: Van Gogh, Ziffle, 60 Minutes, Harden, Schneider, Sassy, Sour Mash, Drama Queen
YHC offered to Q Friday’s BBBC through an old route that had been site for some of the most amazing BRR training several years ago. With a group running near my other neighborhood in a few weeks it was best we could do – the hills of Lewisville.
Schneider, Sassy, Harden and 60 Minutes ran 4+, Sour Mash and YHC walked about 2 and Ziffle and Van Gogh ran their own route and got around 6 after getting slightly lost.
Announcements have likely already happened.
YHC took us out