Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock Quarry

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 12-23-2021

PAX: Starfish, Argyle, Green Acres, Boomerang, Crash, Wobegon

Here is what went down on 12/23 at TRQ:


Warm-O-Rama was normal stuff.

Walk to flag pole.

Bear Crawl, then Crawl Bear, then Crabwalk to the end of the parking lot

Walk back to the rock pile, pick a rock.

Fired up the Holiday Rock playlist.

Started with the first exercise, 5 reps each. Kept adding the following, then went backward, taking them off.

  1. Curls
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Squats
  4. Skull Crushers
  5. Bent Over Rows

10 each of the following, then 10 rock exercises, called.


Reverse lunges

Crunch Frogs


SS Hops



Rock Work

Toy Soldiers

Overhead claps




Shoulder Taps

Heels 2 Heaven



Seal Claps

American Hammers


Dry Docks

Penguin Crunches


To the wall:

down the line for Jack Reachers, Mike Tysons, rebound drills.

Rocks up, back to Start. Apollo Creed down the lot

Quick Mary and DONE.


Did not record and memory has failed me. But, as always, honor to be with this group and get the chance to make up some stuff for us to do for 45 minutes, some of it on the fly.

May you be happy, healthy, and peaceful.