Go for Coffee or Not

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 12/30/2021

PAX: Green Acres (WD) Giles (WB) Mongoose Boomerang (QIC)

As this was the last Thursday of the year, YHC was wondering how many PAX from the normal TRQ crowd would arrive.  YHC was later than normal, but still on time to see only Green Acres and Mongoose waiting. Maybe this would be the day for coffee in lieu on a beatdown. Nah, Giles drove up, that’s right, drove into the lot and saved us the decision of coffee or a beatdown. With 4 PAX we off to the beatdown.

Warmarama consisted of stretches, Abe Vigoda, Whirlies and Imperial Walkers-no SSH’s. Hey there’s plenty of time for those in 2022!

And we were off to the rock pile to choose the perfect rock.  Back to the drive for Doracide:

100 Merkins

200 Curls

300 Squats

400 LBC’s

While one partner did the exercise the other ran to the parking lot and back, flip flop until finished.

As we had time–10 Skull Crushers, 10 Bent Over Rows and 10 Chest Presses each IC.

Wall sits 10 Mike Tysons down the line followed by 10 Jack Reachers down the line.


Back for Mary-Mutton Crunches and APD



1/8/2022 7AM-8 year anniversary of F3 Winston-Salem-Hanes Park

2/19-2022 Blood Drive-sign up

Prayer Requests:

Giles’ M and Jazzy’s M

Mumble Chatter:

The slowness of the warmarama had Mongoose’s watch restarting his workout due to inactivity.

Green Acres finished the year with his NC rock #comfortzone

Giles has missed us or the workout or both!

YHC needs to look where the walls are at TRQ-time waster

The PAX put in strong work this morning.  Proud to lead you. Happy New Year!