Workout in a Bag for 10 Feb 2022

QIC: Burlap

Date: 10 Feb 2022

PAX: Mutton, Root Canal (WD), Frostbite (WB), Chomper, Crash, Burlap (QIC)

It just dawned on me that I get to Q the pre-Valentine’s Day WIB, and you’re going to love it!

Gather at 0525 at Great Clips in Sherwood Plaza  (near intersection for Robinhood and Peace Haven).  Launch at 0530.

Perform 21 reps of exercises at each of these spots as you run counterclockwise around the shopping center lot.

Great Clips — Mutton Crunches (single count — yes, you may be slightly out of balance)

Lowes — Low Dolleys

corner near benches and tables — Dips

end of shorter strip against brick wall — Mike Tysons

Back of Biscuitville — Squat Jumps

Complete circuit and add one rep to next circuit.  Return to start at 0614.  That way at the end of the time, you will have a record of the number of laps.  E.g., if you just did 26 Squat Jumps at Biscuitville, you completed six circuits.


Temp – 35 and clear with little wind — this is also known as “spring” compared to what we have been used to in Jan and early Feb.

Disclaimer — none given

Mission of F3 — not stated

Core Principles — observed but not stated

We made the first couple of circuits essentially as a group of six, but soon after the pair of Chomper and Root Canal began to get faster and the other four of us got slower, or so it seemed.  Chomper and Root Canal completed seven circuits for about 2.8 miles, and the rest of us completed six circuits and got in extra mutton crunches for about 2.4 miles.

If you like math — and I do — the seven circuits would be 168 reps of each exercise.  The four us did 141 plus another set of muttons.

Naked Man Moleskin:

  • Root Canal is a WIB fan and expert.  Although Sherwood Plaza and Whitaker Square are within a casual walk of one another, Root Canal has fond memories of the Sherwood WIBs but bad blood with the Whitaker Square WIBS.
  • Chomper has a renewed interest in bootcamps and has been faithful in attending these lately in addition to running; and we are better for it!
  • Frostbite doesn’t understand why the Wake basketball team is winning and finishing games well — none of us older guys could explain, either.
  • Crash spent at least one full circuit trying to remember a movie in which a car seems to follow people of its own volition.  He finally concluded it was “Maximum Overdrive”.
  • Mutton is a merciful friend and didn’t rub in the Duke whipping of my Tar Heels last weekend.
  • We all were intrigued by the parking lot cleaner/truck that kept circling our route and was the genesis of Crash’s wracking his brain on that movie.
  • Dips were not fun but were only the warm-up to the dreaded Mike Tyson station.

COT — no prayer requests were spoken but I prayed for them anyway.  God knows what is going on and hears our general prayers as much as the specific ones. Remember to give blood.

Thanks to the pax who posted and stuck with me today.

This was a great start to my day.

