Am I Doing This Right?

QIC: Turnover

Date: 2.16.22

PAX: Greenspan , Bob Ross , Honey Badger , Lambchop , Red Baron , Burns , Chomper (WD) , Chick Flick (WB) , Palin , Turnover (Q)

YHC has been taking a break from F3 lately to get back in the gym for a renewed focus on strength training (much more on this later). It’s been some time since I last posted in the gloom, and thanks to @Lambchop’s forward-thinking Site Q ways, YHC was on the calendar for #Conspiracy this week. Even though this particular day to post would interfere with Shoulder Day at the gym, I wasn’t about to let that stop me from getting back out and (hopefully) bringing a challenging beatdown to whichever PAX decided to post.

YHC pulled into Hanes Park for the first time in what felt like years to find a few PAX already assembled and others filing in along with me. Roll out of the car and enter the circle, and it was already go-time. Let’s see if I remember how to do this.

Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles recited with minimal rust shown.

Warm o Rama

SSH IC x20

Abe Vigoda IC x8

Toy Soldier IC x10

Whirly IC x10

Enough jibber jabber, time to get to…


Mosey to base of Intimidator

PAX are informed we’ll be executing a ladder up the Intimidator

15 Bonnie Blairs DC at the base

Mosey to Carolina for 45 Monkey Humpers

Mosey back to base of Intimidator for 15 Bonnie Blairs DC

Mosey to Jersey for 30 Squats

Back down to base for 15 Bonnie Blairs DC

Mosey to Glade for 15 Wojo’s

Mosey back to base of Intimidator and over to The Bond Money Benches

15 Bulgarian Split Squat (L leg)

15 Irkins

15 Bulgarian Split Squat (R leg)

15 Derkins

15 Box Jumps

15 Dips (per @Palin’s request) *This would not be the last time he hijacked the beatdown

15 Calf Raises

Mosey to Pull Up Bars and Partner Up

P1 – Perform Pull ups to failure (*@Red Baron was told to just pace himself as not to steal all the reps.)

P2 – Perform Burpees until P1 failed Pull Ups

Continue this cycle until team had amassed 45 total Pull Ups

YHC was way out of practice and quickly ran out of planned exercises, so we moseyed to Brookstown for a good ol’ Time Waster

15 Squats at Brookstown and West End

15 Merkins at Brookstown and Carolina

15 WW2’s at Carolina and Clover

Mosey back to Launch for


15 Am Hamm’s IC

@Palin hijacked beatdown again and called Windshield Wipers IC

@Red Baron called for Freddie Mercs

@Burns called for Alt Shoulder Taps

@Honey Badger called for Low Plank

@Bob Ross took us out with Dying Cockroach



@Burns has the OGs/Tractor’s Q this week and posted his routes today

@Lambchop announced there would be a special guest for #Conspiracy next week. He did not confirm or deny that @Thistle was the special guest, but YHC’s guess (according to the calendar) would be a former #Conspiracy Site Q whose F3 name rhymes with Button.

Blood drive is this Saturday 2.19

Prayer Requests

@Burns’ Sister and Brother in Law are coming into town for his BIL’s job interview.

YHC took us out thanking Him for the fellowship and asking for the reminder of how nothing can separate us from His love. (Romans 8: 38-39)


Much has been made lately of YHC’s decision to spend the winter mornings in the gym as opposed to posting at F3. It probably doesn’t help my case that that gym happens to be Planet Fitness.

As such, we spent a lot of time this morning discussing what is and (mostly) is not included in PF’s service offerings. There seems to be a lot of confusion around that, but YHC was happy to clear up any misconceptions.

YHC enjoyed getting to meet @Bob Ross and @Chick Flick.

It was great to be back out in the gloom with this collection of HIMs. I have sorely missed the fellowship this group provides.

Thanks to all who posted and thanks for the keys, @Lambchop. You can come by Planet Fitness any time to retrieve them, although you may need a guest pass.