
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 2.19.22

PAX: Seaman, Root Canal, Crash, Van Gogh, The Jerk, Zima, Subfloor, Offsides, Cruiser, Litterbox

11 pax gathered for a cold Alcatraz in the River Oaks parking lot.  6 of them had just finished a murph and were already stretched out.  YHC promised a pleasant Q and delivered it.  Crash was planning on leaving after the murph to put together some furniture.  I gently reminded him that the future would still be there at 0800 and that this workout was worth staying for.  He agreed……but i bet after the workout he did not try to pick up any furniture…..find out why….

0700 – mission statement and warm o rama (all filled with Zima complaints) – SSH, IW, Abe V, Michael phelps

mosey to the blocks, grab one, and mosey back to the start.

exercises – 10 reps of each and performed together –

burpee block jumps

slide merkins (*one merkin on each side of the block = one merkin)

goblet squats

rocking chair lunges (yes i know that means that 10 of these is 40 lunges)


Over head press

Lateral block jumps (like log jumps)

incline plank jack


Low flutter

Okay… that we all are familiar with the exercises…..lets start the workout (pax immediately not happy)…. partner up.

partner A does the exercise.  Partner B starts the bear crawl block push around the outside of the parking lot.  when partner A finishes exercise, they run to partner B and switch.  Partner B runs back to start to perform the same exercise.  continue to switch until all exercises are completed.  exercises…..

10 burpee block jumps

20 slide merkins

30 goblet squats

40 rocking chair lunges (yes i am aware of how many this is)

50 curls

60 OHP

70 lateral block jumps

80 incline plank jacks

90 LBC

100 low flutter

most groups got in at least 3 complete laps around the parking lot


YHC actually had to depart the group at 0750 due to M needing to be at work.  I was able to run and high five all the pax before I left – everyone was happy, said good bye and seemed to be having a great time.  Any and all complaints must have been directed at Van Gogh and what he made them do after I left……..

Prayers – non spoken


this workout was miserable….my shoulder are just now starting to work.  pushing a cinderblock almost a mile is rough

20 slide merkins, 40 rocking chair lunges, and 60 OHP really sparked some comments

Zima was not happy

Great to see litterbox out there

crash, i hope you got your furniture together…..

it was the Jerks birthday!   what a gift this workout was!

Root is a machine……crushed the murph (all while discussing the process for making seaweed chips) and then the workout.  all smiles

Seaman never stops or complains.  just simply gets it done.  the only mumble was about the 60 OHP

Cruiser was discussing some open Physical therapy appts for any pax who needed it after the workout

Van Gogh….he did van gogh things.  and thank you for closing out the workout for me


thanks for the keys VG!  always a pleasure to lead this group.  until next time……Huckleberry