WTF (want to finish) Pyramid
QIC: Workbench
Date: 08/29/22
PAX: Boomerang, Huckleberry, Airbag, SGT Schultz, Crash, Frostbite, Ziggy Stardust, Sassy, Cheesesteak, Workbench
It’s defiantly a challenge to finish the WTF Pyramid in the 35 minutes or so we had after warmup, but I think most of the pax got it done, or where very close. Going up and down the pyramid you complete 500 reps and 2.5 miles around the track.
Warm-O-Rama: 20 SSHs, 6 Abe Vigoda, 10 arm swirlie forward, 10 arm swirlie reverse, 10 Michael Phelps then mosey to the track.
WTF Pyramid:
- Lap 1
- 20 merkins, 1 Lap
- 20 merkins, 20 squats, 1 Lap
- 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 Carolina dry docks, 1 Lap
- 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 Carolina dry docks, 20 WWII, 1 Lap
- 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 Carolina dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 Iron Mikes, 1 Lap
- 20 squats, 20 Carolina dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 Iron Mikes, 1 Lap
- 20 Carolina dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 Iron Mikes, 1 Lap
- 20 WWII, 20 Iron Mikes, 1 Lap
- 20 Iron Mikes, 1 Lap
- 1 Lap
Mosey back to start and hold plank for the last 30 secs till the 6 was up.
COT: Happy Birthday Airbag! Shmeadfest 2023 coming next August! Sign up for the Iron Pax Challenge. Look out for the Labor Day convergence at Launch Pad next week.
Prayers for: SGT Schultz Dad having test on his heart this week, teachers and students starting back to school this week, Boomerang’s associate fell and broke her right shoulder and needs surgery.
NMN: I have to apologize to Boomerang, who I told the day before there wouldn’t be much running, then I went back and added a lap after each round. Great to see some of the Pax out there I haven’t cross paths with in a while. Tclaps for SGT Schultz and Cheesesteak who where racing each other to finish the pyramid first. Huckleberry and Airbag pushed each other till the end. Great finish by Frostbite, Ziggy, Sassy and Crash. As always, it was an honor to lead !!