Always Be Closing or SNOOZING

QIC: PAXs of Bells and Whistles

Date: 9/14/2022

PAX: Cobra, Starfish, Velour, Manscape, Sweet tea, Chowda, Transcript, Woodpecker, BLUTO, BALCO, LACE, ATROPHY.... "In Spirit Closer"

Bells and Whistles may never be the same again!


PAX gathered upon a chilly morning in the GBF neighborhood with great expectations of a beatdown the likes of us mere mortal salesmen would never understand. Only those Glengarry Glen Ross fans could imagine the beatdown that “CLOSER” would bring on a day like today. If only…. the SNOOZE MONSTER would not have snuck up, grabbed his alarm clock, and smashed it to peices.

So what do CLOSERS do when there is adversity AKA: No backup THANG, No backup Music…. you do what Alex Baldwin says. You face adversity and CLOSE!

It started with BLUTO saying… “Where is Closer, it’s 5:25am”…. The rest is history:).

With an empty parking spot under the lights and 12 PAX looking like a bunch of rabid animals, we commenced executing a plan for each PAX to pick a random movement and do 20 of them as a group, we went around the circle each one choosing a movement and then after the 6th person we would run up the hill and back…. Chose your own adventure they say… KUDOS to Lace and Bluto for the plan and then for the likes of none other than COBRA to take the “Bell by the Horns” and start to execute on the warmup.

Cobra also shared with us that the last Q to not show up to BnW, has never been seen again. Like, ever seen again anywhere. Not sure if we should be scared or just use that as a ticket to stop working out when needed? Life lessons from Cobra.

After the Warmarama we moseyed up the hill around the small turn and back.

The start of the 20 reps was by Atrophy was jump-squats inĀ  cadence which he immediately regretted due to his complete lack of coffee and smarts this morning. Then he was followed by LACE, who always makes even the most difficult, rude, hurtful, and painful movements look as though it’s easy like Sunday morning. BALCO followed and taught us again that everything that we do can hurt our most precious backs and bodies. BLUTO was next and finished out the 3 Doctor in a row crew, why do they always stick together….? The circle was lopsided with them on that side but lucky for us Starfish was on the other side so we balanced out the brain power. Woodpecker was next and all i remember is him regretting that he ever said in-cadence as well. Transcript decided that he must have missed CHEST DAY in the gym with the amount of chest press that he inflicted on us with the bells, but at least my A-cup is maybe an A+… I digress. ( Then we RUN… Lace and COBRA were in the lead but then there was this thing that came out of the depth of the sea a Chowda that almost beat those to “Fastholes” as I’ve heard them called. ).

The next 6 started with the aforementioned Chowda and he of course did some movement that was fast and made me hungry for some Clams. Then we come to my favorite drink of them all SWEET TEA who in some ways makes me thirsty every time say his name, that is just the honest truth… I don’t remember what the heck he did. Next was Manscape who for many months I thought had the market on the Waxing franchises here in Winston-Salem, it has to be good money but also very awkward. That of course is not the case but boy does he make me feel out of shape for the double respect! That brings us to Velour who is a cool customer every single week and I appreciate his acceptance of all of us that don’t wear our sporting outfits to his standards. Starfish came at us strong as he does every week with some ab exercises that only he and Lace can do, I did not appreciate box-cutters but hey someone has to have strong abs and he does! Rounding out the 12 before our next RUN was COBRA. All I can remember is him talking about how he hates burpees and the people that do burpees in their programming… SO…. at 6:13 i thought it was appropriate to finish our time together with non-other than burpees just for fun.

This morning taught us many things.

  • When you don’t see the Q at 5:25 ( Call/Text – lesson learned Bluto, thank you)
  • Always have an extra Winky in the mind or ready to pull out of the nether region.
  • Always bring an extra speaker to BnW
  • When a PAX is sleeping, he needs it and others will pick him up and welcome him back
  • Life does not go as planned but with great friends around it can go even better than planned
  • We all need Grace. We all need to give Grace
  • Lace and Cobra and Chowda move their legs faster than most of us
  • We love CLOSER and are thankful for the brotherhood of F3


Announcements: Greenest needs a TRUCK and an extra back for Saturday *Starfish

Prayers: Thankful for the men here today and may we be better fathers, sons, husbands, and friends. Thank you, God for this morning!