A Nearly Rockless TRQ

QIC: Turnover

Date: 9.8.22

PAX: Green Acres (WD) , Boomerang , $5 Footlong , Palin , Schlitz (WB) , Giles , Double Wide , Pony Express , Super Fly , Hot Pocket , Turnover (Q)

It had been a while since YHC had Q’d/posted to TRQ, so I wanted to cook up a fresh, atypical beatdown for the badass #Clydesdale regulars. In retrospect, I should have spent more time cooking up a fresh, atypical approach to time management.

A quick recitation of the Mission statement and Core Principles and we were off

Warm o Rama

SSH x20 IC

*@Palin and @Schlitz arrive fashionably late, but we heard Palin’s truck hauling down Polo before we even got started*

*@Palin immediately starts in on the MC, trying to throw the Q off his game*

Abe Vigoda

Imperial Storm Troopers (@Pony expresses thanks to the Q for not calling them Imperial Walkers….You’re welcome?)

Whirly avec le Clap

A few Arm Swirly Things

Slow mosey down to the Lido Deck

PAX were instructed to grab some bench for some descending/ascending work

10 Irkins, 10 Dirkins, 10 Dips followed by 1 Box Jump Burpee

9 Irkins, 9 Dirkins, 9 Dips followed by 2 Box Jump Burpees

Follow this pattern down to 1 Irkin, 1 Dirkin, 1 Dip, 10 Box Jump Burpees

Once all PAX were done, we moved onto some impromptu MARY

Freddie Mercs, Mutton Crunches, and maybe some H2Hs (?) all x25 IC

Next we slow moseyed to the Rock pile….because this AO isn’t called The Lido Quarry AMIRITE!!??

PAX grab a rock, walk it to the top of the circle, and find their way over to the wall of the school

PAX then performed 10 pulse squats IC and 10 “Al Gore Reverse Lunges”….it’s a working title.

After reps were complete, PAX would “Groucho Marks” over to their rocks. Think of Groucho’s as walking Al Gores (Shoutout Tony Horton).

All PAX perform 20 curls and 20 OH Presses w/ their rock.

Running out of time so we return our rocks and slow mosey back to launch with just enough time for a few more Pulse Squats and Al Gore Reverse Lunges



YHC took us out thanking Him for the beautiful morning and the fellowship of the assembled HIMs


Major Q fail by underestimating the time the first circuit would take us. I legit felt bad we didn’t get to spend more time doing rock work. My sincerest apologies.

Prior to launch, Double Wide made it known that he posted to TRQ this fine morning solely because YHC was Q’ing…which made me feel real special thus confirming my mother’s decades-long assertions.

Palin is a menace to society. No other way to put it. Not only does he roll in late in his Model T, but he’s barely out of his seatbelt (not sure Model T’s had seatbelts) before he’s jawing at me trying to ruffle my feathers. He did later try to curb his salty language on the Lido deck for fear that YHC had a particular aversion to such banter. So maybe he’s more of a Sour Patch Kid.

Was great getting to catch up with Schlitz on the mosey down to the Lido deck during which he informed me that he and his M recently found out that their first 2.0 will be a girl. Congrats brotha. Welcome to the #GirlDad life.

It could have been the difficulty of the box jump burpees or the endless Palin chatter, but YHC was clearly teetering on the edge of consciousness when we were leaving the Lido deck because I somehow mistook $5 for Manscape. In my defense they are both strikingly similar in their no-nonsense get-after-it-ness during beatdowns.

The mid-beatdown, excessive reps of MARY was a #CrowdPleaser

Green Acres, ever the gracious site Q host, voiced his support of the music selection for the morning, but admitted he was disappointed there was no Joe Diffie on the playlist. Another Q Fail.

Furthermore, Green Acres is a fantastic site Q, but we need to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with him about his upkeep of the Lido deck. Motion to start a GoFundMe for Green Acres to get a Roomba to manage the debris down there. All in favor??

It’s always an honor to lead at any AO, and this morning was no different. Sincere thanks to all who posted.

I left the keys on the Lido Deck, Green Acres. Good luck finding them amongst the rubble.


1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    September 14, 2022 6:32 pm

    Great workout and backblast! 👏. I’ll get the broom and dustpan while we wait for Burlap to chip in on our Roomba…and just as soon as I get all the weeds pulled around my house! So don’t hold your breath. 🤣

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