QIC: Crash

Date: 9/22/2022

PAX: Van Gogh, Workbench, Frostbite, Turnover, Huckleberry, Crash


This one was “fun”. Stations at at the AO spaced close to mid distance for WIB.

PAX assembled and we did SSH, Abe Vigoda, AST FW&BW, and that might have been it. Wish I’d stretched the quads a bit more…

Station 1

10 Merkins
20 E2K – (Mutton Crunch, 10 each side)
30 Nolan Ryan (15 each side)

Station 2

20 Iron Mikes (quickly corrected to be Mike Tysons, and after first round so we did 10 vs 20)
10 No Surrender

Station 3 (speaker and music at this station, MIB theme)

10 Burpees
20 LBC
20 Alternating Shoulder Tap
20 Crunchy Frog
5 Kraken Burpee (burpee w/ 3 HR merkins @ bottom)


Just enough time for merkin ring of fire, starting with 5.


Transcript is getting GAS groups going
Van Gogh’s M’s jaw/teeth for healing
Love for canine companions. Workbench’s family’s dog departed @ age 20 love to the family


Turnover went a round or two and then moved out in front. We heard an excellent story of when he once saw MIBII, 2 evenings in a row.
Van Gogh I think would have stayed with him but said some Taco Bell wasn’t agreeing.
Frostbite quietly went about his business. There were apologies from some missing his Q Tues, with IPC going on.
Huckleberry and several others called for speedier music on the first round. YHC put together a very nice ‘Man in Black’ playlist but there’s a wide range of emotion to his music. At some point there were calls for the actual MIB soundtrack so YHC switched to that later in the workout and there was some appreciation for that.
There was some chatter with Workbench about trail running & joining the next Ragnar. YHC will have to see.
I’m not gonna lie. This is the 2nd or 3rd Q where I’ve not injured, but hurt myself and felt it for 4-5 days afterward. Something with the quad and the no surrenders, I think. It was harder than YHC had anticipated but it did look good on paper!

Notes for next time:
Don’t run to place Station 3 first but then not call it Station 1. Don’t list Iron Mikes when you mean Mike Tysons. And don’t Q 20 Mike Tysons. Play more enthusiastic music! The Man in Black wasn’t all bad, but some songs might have been better around a campfire with bourbon vs doing rounds bookended by burpees and kraken burpees.