It’s All Downhill From Here

QIC: Turnover

Date: 1.9.2023

PAX: Ziggy Stardust (WD) , Frostbite (WB) , Cherry Pie , Airbag , Hansel , Zima , Turnover (Q)

Normally on cold, wet January mornings, YHC can be found inside the warm confines of a budget-friendly exercise facility. Not today. @Crash put the call out to get his Q calendar filled up, and I was “happy” to accept his request to Q at the prestigious Iron Throne. #BUILDGroupBuddies4Life. With a close eye on the weather, I started putting together a plan that would hopefully be vigorous enough to rid all those who posted of their remaining pesky Christmas Carbs. Let’s see how it went:

Another Q, another perfect recitation of the Mission Statement and Core Principles

Warm O Rama

6th core principle x20 IC

IST’s x20 IC

L over R / R over L

Abe Vi-GOAT-a x4 IC

At this point @Cherry Pie had the audacity to question whether or not YHC was using the greatest exercise of them all to lolly gag. Offended as I was, I gave into his banter and we began our mosey to the back of the school.

PAX were instructed to grab a block and meet back at the actual cones that the Q had setup in the bus lot.

PAX were instructed to complete the following circuit:

Squats x25

Curls x25

KB Swings x25

Shoulder Tap Irkins x25

Jump-Over-Block Burpees x10

After completing the circuit, PAX were to complete a suicide in the bus lot, then mosey to the basketball court

At the court, mode of transportation was alternating lunges to half court, then reverse lunges to the opposite baseline

After the basketball court, PAX were to mosey to the playground and complete 10 Pullups

After the pullups, mosey back to the blocks and start over.

All PAX completed 2 rounds of the entire circuit and were then instructed to return their blocks (in tact or otherwise) and mosey back to launch

Back at launch, we had lots of time left (by design) for an extended MARY

MARY consisted of the following in no particular order:

WW2s x25

American Hammers x25

Freddie Mercs x25

H2H x25

LBCs x25

Gas Pumps x25

Penguin Crunch x25

Peter Parkers (or Peeker Packers?) x25

We rounded out the last minute with a low-plank hold



YHC shared some encouragement to the PAX to think of something they are thankful for and dwell on that throughout the morning.

@Cherry Pie shared a good word from a Two Cities sermon and a motivational podcast he had recently heard about the importance of visioning and intentionality. Really encouraging stuff. Thank you, CP.

@Zima shared his thanks for F3 as a whole and a few PAX in particular who had gotten together with him for his birthday over the weekend.

Prayer Requests

@Ziffel was recently injured in a skiing accident. Prayers for a quick recovery so he can get back out in the gloom and pester Zima.

YHC took us out thanking Him for the F3 community and lifting up Ziffel.


While the beatdown did not lend itself to a ton of MC, @Cherry Pie and @Zima didn’t let that keep them from their usual banter.

Musical accompaniment this morning was a playlist made up of some of YHC’s jams from my high school days: New Found Glory (hence the BB Title), Good Charlotte, Blink 182, Offspring, and Fall Out Boy. @Zima didn’t even complain about it. Which is really saying something. #Progress

An emphasis was placed on getting down and touching the lines during the suicides, and @Zima was quick to correct YHC for breaking his own rule. #Accountability

YHC noted that the original plan was to have the mode(s) of transportation on the basketball court be bear crawls and crab walks. The alternative was a real crowd pleaser.

@Hansel made light work of all called exercises this morning, but paid the Q a high compliment by shedding some layers during the second round of block work.

Speaking of blocks, YHC has had a well documented issue with destroying blocks in the past (RIP GRIND Block) and this morning another coupon fell victim to my block-destroying ways. Sorry @Crash.

@Frostbite, @Ziggy, and @Airbag came to work this morning and formed a relative trio of silent assassins. No funny business or lolly-gagging. Just pure get-after-it-ness. Great work men.

It’s always an honor to lead a workout and today was no different. Very thankful for everyone who posted and pushed me to get better.

The keys are in a pile of rubble where my block once was, @Crash.

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    January 10, 2023 8:41 am

    Well written BB, @Turnover! Looks like everyone got their money’s worth and then some.

    Thanks to all you guys for getting at it. YHC is on the IR, hopefully only a couple more days. Inspired by you guys doing what you do

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