Crazy Game of Poker
QIC: Zima
Date: 1/23/23
PAX: Sea-Man, Drama Queen, Schneider, Starfish, Boomerang, Zima
SSH, IST, Michael Phelps, Whirlies
Hole Cards (Abs):
- Heels to Heaven x 50
- Box Cutters x 50
Run to the end of the parking lot. Do the number of Snatches (Clean and Press) as Hole Card #1. Do the number of Burpees as Hole Card #2. Run back.
The Flop (Arms/Shoulders):
- Overhead Press x 25
- Curls x 25
- Tricep Extension x 25
Run to the end of the parking lot. Do the number of Snatches (Clean and Press) as Hole Card #1. Do the number of Burpees as Hole Card #2. Run back.
The Turn (Legs):
- Jumping Lt. Dans x 25
Run to the end of the parking lot. Do the number of Snatches (Clean and Press) as Hole Card #1. Do the number of Burpees as Hole Card #2. Run back.
The River (Chest):
- Tarantulas (Shoulder Tap, Peter Parker, WMD) x 10
Run to the end of the parking lot. Do the number of Snatches (Clean and Press) as Hole Card #1. Do the number of Burpees as Hole Card #2. Run back.
- F3 Charleston is having its 10 year anniversary on March 11th on the USS Yorktown. Go stay at Plunger’s house. If you want to go, clown car with DQ
- Traveling to Africa
Zima Out.