I Can Get Us a Rainout, or Pitch Clock Violation

Date: 3/13/23

PAX: Hansel, Workbench, Huckleberry, Turnover, Greenspan

Four roamers found their way to the last frontier and joined YHC at the Launchpad.


SSHs, Down/Upward Dogs

The Thang

Mosey across the bridge to tennis courts.

First up were 11(!)s:

Baseline #1:  Merkin x 1

Baseline #2:  Squats x 10

Run back and forth and add one merkin / subtract one squat each time.

Next, since it’s baseball season, YHC marked out a perfect diamond with cones using two tennis courts.  Pax were instructed to occupy a base.

Pax at home performs burpees x 25

Pax at first performs AMRAP squats

Pax at second performs AMRAP merkins

Pax at third performs AMRAP gas pumps

Once pax at home performs burpees, run to first.  Runner on first steals second, second steals third, and third heads home.

Next, we enjoyed Blackjack!

Baseline #1:  Merkins x 1

Baseline #2:  Lunges x 20 (yes, double-count)

Run back and forth and add one merkin / subtract one lunge each time.

We ran out of time somewhere around the round of 12 lunges, +/- 3.

Mosey back to covered area for 3 minutes of Mary:

London Bridge x 21 (IC)

Twisters x 21 (IC)

WW2s x 10 (IC)

Pitch clock expired; game ended in a tie.


  • YHC had intended to be on the baseball field down the hill but went to the bullpen after yesterday’s drenching and relocated to the tennis courts. Turnover appropriately belly flopped into the largest puddle remaining on the court for his first merkin.
  • Much clamoring erupted when YHC called for 11s. “What’s that?!”  Huck and Hansel were overhead discussing how much they wished they were carrying cinder blocks over their heads from side to side.
  • YHC hadn’t seen TO since he came up limp at RnG a couple of weeks ago; we can definitively say that neither his calf nor his back were injured this morning.
  • Workbench had mentioned at church that he was trying to convince Huckleberry to make the trip to the Launchpad. YHC didn’t have high hopes (It’s a long ways from Lewisville).  Lo’ and behold, not only did Workbench succeed in getting Huck there, Hansel was also in tow!  Without these boys, it would have been a lonely morning for TO, a Launchpad irregular, and YHC.
  • Hansel was in the lead the whole time. He shared a story of when his M went into labor with their first child six months after the opening of his business.  Hansel went into work that morning, gave his two employees the game plan, and attended to his M and arriving daughter.  #ProMove.
  • Story segued into the non-story of how Turnover didn’t have a conversation with his wife about his participation in the 2023 West Virginia Ragnar 2 weeks after his M’s due date. He just knew.
  • In case you were wondering, working your way down from 20 double-count lunges takes its toll but 0makes merkins seem super-easy. YHC called for a rain out (see Bull Durham) to end today’s game.
  • The pitch clock reference is in regards to a tied result in an exhibition Braves/Red Sox spring training game. The game ended when the Braves batter did not get into the batter’s box within the allotted clock time, resulting in an automatic out with the bases loaded.  I’m not making this up.  (https://www.pennlive.com/sports/2023/02/red-sox-braves-spring-training-game-ends-in-tie-thanks-to-new-pitch-clock-rules-heres-how-it-happened.html).



Prayer Requests:

  • Starfish’s and Frostbite’s family.
  • Turnover’s upcoming trip to England.

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the keys, Burns!  We fed the chickens on our way out of state.