may the 4th be with us a week early

QIC: crash

Date: 2023/04/27

PAX: schneider, cruiser, recess, madoff, 60 minutes, sour mash, crash, adobe
harden, skyline, sassy, adobe for 4-6 mile run.

A lot of cars this am, that was a group of pax adobe, harden, skyline, sassy who left early for a long run before 5 that was due to carry them through most of the workout, aiming for 6 miles. 5 am 60 minutes, yhc went with schneider for a 2.25 mile ec run.

We assembled and mission / core principles rected, and did the


~15 SSH, 14IST, 6 Abe Vigoda, ~15 Hillbillies, AST forward and backward. 11 whirly w/clap. Get blocks. Cardboard by trailer. libation themed playlist. A couple of the pax said one or two songs drove them to drink.


4 small ladders, each beginning with 4 or 6, (or 46?), burpees. The multiple crossed out and replaced exercises in this made it difficult to follow at times. Each ladder block start with burpees then, 11, run lap, 11-22, run lap, 11-22-33, run lap, then one mode of transportation down and back 5, 10, or 15 parking spaces, then on to the next ladder block.

First ladder, 11 overhead press, 22 merkins, 33 squats, bear crawl
Second ladder, 11 skull crushers, 22 monkey humpers, 33 heels to heaven, crab walk
Third ladder, 11 incline press, 22 plank jacks, 33 carolina drydock, lunge walk
Fourth ladder, 11 burpees, 22 curls, 33 world war 2’s, then suicides, cusacks, or block push

Most made it through about the 2nd round of the 4th ladder, then the blocks went up and we headed to


All the rest of the pax who had been running showed up. 15 ish penguin crunch, 15 ish low dolly, ring of fire starting with 3 merkins, Finish.

No announcements.

Prayers for Greenspan, there are rumors he may be released from the hospital today.
Prayers for recovery for Zima post knee surgery.
Prayers for Palin who has knee surgery very soon.
Prayers for wisdom and discernment and this group.


Everyone did great today. Sour Mash’s favorite song was the Ed Sheeran one and he requested a playlist of all Ed Sheeran sometime in the near future. I need to rework the playlist a bit, it has a lot of potential but there is a lot of stuff in there that Spotify recommended.

Recess was just killing it out there and cruiser was trying his best to keep up. Out there in front the whole time!

It was nice to get a little EC run in with Schneider and 60 minutes.

Got to meet skyline who is preparing for the ragnar, and a recent addition to the dash pax. He will have his VQ at BBC soon, look out for that and show up. Great job on the long run for Adobe, Harden, Skyline, Sassy. Adobe joined the tail end of our workout, the other guys joined for the COT.

For the next 5 months or so Schneider and I are actually a different age.

Thanks to all you gentlemen for coming out and for Madoff for lining us up doing the site Q service!