DRP: Monday at the Launchpad

QIC: Burns

Date: 5.15.23

PAX: Mittens, Burns

A coupla young guns took to the Launchpad to get their week started in a proper fashion.

WoR – Abe vigodas x8, extended stretchy stretches, SSH x15, Imperial Walkers x15, Seal Claps x15, Jack Reachers x15

Mosey to the swings. Mittens does 10 supine pullups while YHC holds plank. Flapjack. Mittens does 15 dips on the wall while YHC holds plank. Flapjack. Repeato for 5 total times.

Mosey to the lower field. Grab a rock along the way. Some exercises and gassers across the field & back as follows:

  • 20 curls, gasser
  • 20 curls, 20 goblet squats, gasser
  • 20 curls, 20 goblet squats, 20 OH press, gasser
  • 20 curls, 20 goblet squats, 20 OH press, 20 reverse lunges, gasser
  • 20 curls, 20 goblet squats, 20 OH press, 20 reverse lunges, 20 skull crushers, gasser
  • 20 curls, 20 goblet squats, 20 OH press, 20 reverse lunges, 20 skull crushers, 20 american hammers, gasser

Return rocks, head back to the parking lot for Mary – 15 was the number for LBCs, Muttons L & R, Penguin crunches, and Heels to Heaven.


Great time with Mittens this AM. The dude has already come a long way since first posting about a month ago. He’s hooked. Prayers for his upcoming interview with WSPD, moving logistics with a baby on the way (heads up @wefoco), and continued health for his M & 2.0.

I’m keeping the keys and passing them on to Van Gogh next week. Come on out. It’s not that far.