A Sweaty Sendoff

Date: 8/18/23

PAX: Frost Bite, Post Hole, Spicoli (WD), Hop, Bravo (WB), Wobegon, Rubber Ducky, Greenspan

Getting closer to that autumnal equinox, but mugginess still prevails on the asphalt of downtown Dashtown.


SSHs,  Down/Upward Dog stretches, Abe Vigodas, Cherry Pies

The Thang

Mosey to bridge on Longbranch Trail.  Partner up:  Partner A performs reps AMRAP while partner B runs to other end of the bridge and back.  Then flip-flop.


  • Dive Bombers
  • Lt. Dans
  • Cobra Crunches
  • SSHs

Then, mosey back close to the launch point on corner of 4th and Patterson.  Merkins, Squats, LBCs all x 5.  Then run counter-clockwise around the Bailey Park and Biotech blocks adding 5 reps at each corner.  Upon reaching corner of Patterson & E 6th Street, reverse course dropping 5 reps at each corner.  Upon returning to 4th & Patterson, repeato (crowd pleaser)!  That resulted in a total of 100 reps of each exercise.

That took us to time and we made the short jaunt down Patterson back to launch (without reversing course around the blocks).  ~2.5 miles in total covered.



  • The pax thought that it was going to be a 20-minute workout morning when we ventured back so closely to launch for the “around the blocks” portion. Glad we had the hill on Vine Street to run up, else one might think downtown was flat!
  • Post Hole, in addition to running the long site-Q race for 3+ years, got in The BurnsTM EC route pre-beatdown. Thank you, brother, for your steadfastness in the role.
  • YHC gave Bravo the option of getting out of bed at 0500 and is proud of him for getting up early on his last Friday of summer.
  • Good to see Hop and thankful for his service in helping Knoxville over the past week(?) as well as his intel on the situation in Hawaii.
  • Rubber Ducky and Spicoli were having a great conversation about RD’s potential work changes and supply chain constraints.   Thankful also for Spicoli keeping Bravo company up the Vine Street hill.  No Man Left Behind.
  • Frost Bite has never seen Thank You for Smoking (neither has YHC), but he has read Barbarians at the Gate (great book). There did not seem to be any animosity towards Bravo for taking the WB crown for the morning.  He’s also of the opinion that the Braves are peaking too early.  Paging Burns for his thoughts.
  • Wobegon has not sued YHC for plagiarism (yet) for “adapting” his routine from the Estate on Tuesday with the “around the blocks” portion of our workout. The Nantan was gracious as ever.


  • Post Hole is officially off-duty from being Site-Q of Urban Assault. The Q calendar is full through the end of the year.  We need someone to step up!
  • GreenNest is tomorrow. Bam is Qing.  See Slack.


Prayer Requests:

Devastation of infrastructure and lives in Knoxville, TN, and Hawaii.

YHC took us out expressing thanks to the Sky-Q for being able to do hard physical things and asked that we might be strengthened and equipped to tackle the hard mental and emotional things that await us throughout the remainder of the day.