If you have it ask, then it’s probably you…

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 11/27/23

PAX: Schneider, Drano, Road Apple (WB), Sea-man, Starfish(WD), Spicoli (QIC)


“If you have it ask, then it’s probably you…” Still holds true when asking “whose turn is it” in card games, emptying the dishwasher, and being Q for VI!

6 gathered for a Spicoli Q.

Warmarama IC:

SSH, IW, Toy soldiers, merkins, Peter Parker’s


Mosey to playground area. Pax were informed that due to lack of planning YHC stole from the previous week’s workout.


Exercise ladder: Perform called exercise, run a lap around the track, and perform both a new exercise and all previously performed exercises, then run a lap, etc.

The exercises:

Hurpees burpee with total of 3 merkins x 5

Pullups, lat pulls x 10 or dead arm hang

Merkins x 20

Squats x 30

SSHs x 40


Partner up: lat pulls (5, 10, 15, 20) on swings while partner squats or lunges.



Ring of fire merkins to 3

Crowd sourced Mary: protractor, penguin crunches, LBCs, box cutters, low flutters




Drano asked for Prayers for a family going through legal issues with young family and farm business.

Prayers for Dixon family through the holidays and especially tomorrow: Will’s birthday.

I ask you that you keep me in mind as my family deals with the complications from addiction and depression. Hard decisions lie ahead.





* Great to see Drano and Road Apple! Been a while for me working out with these guys. #Kotters


* Schneider when hearing we’d be doing the same kind of thing three weeks in a row suggested the ladder running workout beer shelved for a while…


*Starfish gets at it. End of list


* Sea-man is no longer the site Q but still helped YHC figure out that it was indeed my turn.


* Thank you as always for the opportunity to lead, for the push and accountability, and for having my back when life’s hard decisions present themselves