Free Burpee Beatdown

QIC: Drano

Date: 01/03/24

PAX: Workbench, Crash, Cruiser, Zima, H.O.G.

6 PAX posted for a bone-chilling morning at Jamison Park. Not sure any combination of work was going to shrug the cold, but here’s how it went:


Air clap

Seal clap

CH Derrick

CH Merkin

Mtn Climber

Peter Parker

Parker Peter

CH Carolina Dry Dock

Pendulum Lunge

CH Squat

Side Straddle Hop

Mosey to the Hill to Nowhere for the Triple Nickel:

Top: Prisoner Get  Up

Bottom: Burpee

Mosey to the Shelter for Bench Work:

CH Step Down

Bulgarian Split Squat

Heel Up/Down


Line up at the Shelter building for Wall Work:

*People Chair to Donkey kicks

*People Chair to BTTW w/ AST

*People Chair to BTTW w/ Hip Slapper

Mosey back to launch for Mary (Bear Crawl up short incline to PL:


Side Plank


Side Plank


Bird Dog Plank

Low plank

BROGA: Up/Down/Crescent/W1/W2/Triangle/W3

NMM/Announcements/Prayer Requests:

*1 PAX (Zima) for the RIRO

*2 PAX (H.O.G., Drano) for the EC Run

*Lots of mumblechatter during the (legs only) Bench work. Q*bert was a great way to empty the tank… That said, Workbench went leaping lemur on us and stuck the landing on the picnic table top!

*Lots of great race opportunities this year. YHC is running the Assault on Black Rock (3/16). Would love other PAX to join for the training/race date.

*Prayers for my 2.1 and 2.2 traveling back to college this week and all those traveling.

YHC led us out in prayer.