They don’t call it big, but they call back

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 1/5/2024

PAX: Schlitz, spicoli, lam chop, Van Gogh, frank and beans, burns, root canal, starfish and frostbite!

Nothing too complicated this morning! A 5k before the run which I Almost did the whole thing. So not bad. Good pushes from burns and frostbite!

We got started with Warmarama classics.


complain about cold

imperial walker

the cold sucks


the cold sucks

worley and his clap

cold sucks




the thang-

half lap around the park and stop at the top for a little crab dip! Crab walking down the hill and we stop at every tree or lamp post and do 2 dips while in crab position. Then add 2 to the count each time you stop. So 2,4,6 8 until you get to freakin 26. Done!

run over to where fair witness is and do 10 merkins and 10 lunges at the bottom, run to top where the last street lamp is and do 10 burpees and 10 squats. Back to the bottom and do sets of 8 and work your way down by 2 until the bottom.

last! Back to the hill to beat crawl up! Each tree or lamp post is 2 push ups and work your way up to freakin 26 again which absolutely no one complained about. Finished strong with MW!

40 stupid ww2

other stuff that I’m not in competition with toot over. Cheers dudes and hopefully see you In the morning!!