born to walk

QIC: crash

Date: 2024.03.02

PAX: zima, subfloor, ziggy stardust, snap-on, crash
murph: wooly booger, dr. toot, zima, crash

The pax assembled, after a preblast promising no running.

Many of the pax in wefoco are off to run a race this weekend.

All the pax who had not q’d were encouraged to go to q school with burns.

Most of the site q’s attended IS for q school at the request of f3 w-s leadership.

A new first f q was to be announced today. Thanks to burns for his leadership.

Wooly booger showed up for his first murph at 6 as he is headed to London later today and needed an early workout. yhc had planned to run 4 miles and was going to pivot to do the murph but dr toot and zima showed up to take him under their wings.

All pax ran together the first mile and yhc peeled off to run 2 more (zima insists i just went to sit quietly and drink coffee) and returned to run the final mile.

Wooly booger and dr. toot got out of there quickly to get home / to IS.

So, it was a little light this morning at 7 but what we missed in quantity we made up for in quality.

mission and 5 core principles were recited

warmup: doing these, from the parking lot, walking a bit between each to get to the blocks.

side straddle hops to 20
imperial storm troopers to 20
forward arm swirly things to 12
imperial storm troopers zima count to 10 (identical to IST to 20 but faster)
abe vigodas to 6
hillbillies to 20?
backward arm swirly things to 12?
whirly with a clap to 12?

for a good amount of time during these yhc couldn’t count because he was reacting to zima’s antics and chatter, and most of the time laughing too much to count

the workout

pax take up blocks, pax take turns calling exercise while analog timer goes a minute. that pax gets to choose how far as we make a long loop around the front parking lot, stopping for a minute at a time. in no particular order, we did

curls (x2, beginning and end)
skull crushers
burpees with block jumpover
plank jacks
outlaws (big o)
low flutter
freddie mercs
apollo ohnos
shoulder taps
the pax can let me know if they wish what i missed and i’ll update

run (at the request of the pax) back to start for


low flutter
ring of fire starting with 3 merkins


zima announced there was q school one hour before we finished our workout


aging parents, ziggy’s mom
yhc prayed for ziffel’s mom in cot.
the pax were kind enough not to mention it until the end
our creator knows what yhc meant and all was forgiven.
prayers for all those pax who help to serve as site q’s for f3 and all those newer pax over at q school
psalm 25 about 8 verses were spoken

the play list was all bruce springsteen from the live 75-85. i’ll post it below.

nmm / etc

great to see snap on back out again, who posted for the first time at alcatraz last weekend. the pax mostly called their own exercises. but, yhc had a sheet of exercises and i think snap on enjoyed just looking at exercises and choosing one he was unfamiliar with and then doing it. not a bad way to introduce new pax to the f3 lingo.

zima kept yhcs form decent (enough) and kept everyone entertained.

subfloor is the king of dad jokes and had some good ones especially for the start of the workout.

yhc is not sure what it is about my clothing. huckleberry once called purple shorts my wife’s shorts. today zima asked me if i was wearing my wife’s biker shorts under my shorts.

ziggy returned from india for 3 weeks refreshed and having enjoyed his trip but also very appreciative of the air quality here in the states.

there was a lot of complaining from zima about no running, and how were we going to get miles. rucking also counts. on the way back as ‘born to run’ was playing, he said ‘you should call this workout “born to walk” ‘. and the title of this backblack was chosen.

1.7 miles for the alcatraz pax, maybe a little more.

2 miles for all the supermax pax.

4 miles for yhc during supermax.