Spam for Breakfast at Wimbledon

QIC: Goofy

Date: 07/11/2024

PAX: Green Acres, Boomerang, Giles, Ziggy, Goldwatch, Mutton, Singing Cowboy, Wobegon, Goofy

9 pax posted to TRQ for the unexpected theme of Breakfast at Wimbledon and some tunes.  See the NMM for the Spam reference. It went something like this:

Warm-o-rama:  We did one warm up exercise and then moseyed about 25 yards, then repeated this pattern until we got to the end of the parking lot, whereupon we moseyed to the tennis courts.

The Thang

Upon arriving at the courts, the Pax found four stations with four cardboard instructions, one at each corner of the court.  The first station had zero reps (ie holding a plank), the next had 15 reps, then 30 reps, then 40 reps.  While there were 7 exercises at each station, you completed the first exercise at that station, then moseyed to the next station, and so on.  Once all four stations were complete you, went to the pull up bars to do pull ups – your choice of either 7 reps each time, 1 on the first round, two on the 2nd, and so on.  Once complete, you went back to the stations and repeato.

Here were the stations:

Love (zero reps) – hold for one minute

  • Plank
  • Tree Hugger
  • Banana
  • Superman
  • Plank
  • Tree Hugger
  • Banana


  • Big O
  • Mike Tyson
  • Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Plank Jacks
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Side Lunges


  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Jump Squats
  • Freddie Merc
  • Wide Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • SSH


  • Calf Raises
  • SSH
  • LBC
  • OH Press
  • Squats
  • SSH
  • Low Flutter

We made it through about round number 5.

MARY: did a few on the mosey back, and two round robin at the end

BOM: YHC lifted us up to be better men


  • There were early complaints of running.  Please note the official rule book (page 1, paragraph 2, subsection 3) for TRQ explicitly states that a slow mosey from one place to the other is acceptable.  Sprinting is not allowed!
  • A very social group today, lots of good conversation heard between all.  In my group one person counted or kept time (mostly Mutton!) and the rest of us just talked!
  • During announcements, Spam (the food product) was mentioned by @Boomerang, and the entire conversation devolved into Spam facts – like Hawaii has the most varieties of Spam and the higher per capita consumption.  Apparently this fits well with @THEPonyExpress’s theme for Purgatory on Saturday!  A prayer was lifted that @Spam-a-lot (the beloved former Nantan) might post!
  • In honor of Wimbledon, the tunes were from British Rock bands, including Dire Straits.  There was some controversy that Dire Straits was from Philly, but Wikipeida tells me they are London band, so it must be true!


  • Rumor has it that @THEPonyExpress has a Spam and Macadamia nut theme for Purguatory on Saturday.  Pony is legend.
  • On July 4th 2025 there will be a convergence!  Make sure everyone knows.


  • Spamalot
    July 11, 2024 6:20 pm

    This backblast is a 10/10!!


  • Green Acres
    July 11, 2024 9:56 pm

    Yes! Great total body beatdown, nice plan and execution. Good bunch of HIM to spend the morning with. ❤️. Thanks for leading Goofy!

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