IPC in July

QIC: Zima

Date: 7/15/24

PAX: Drip, Huckleberry, Five Dollar Footlong, Transcript, Green Acres, Cherry Pie, Wooly Bugger, Chubz, Rubber Ducky, Tarheel, Candyland, Zima



4 cones were placed in the field about 20ish yards apart.  Note: I said “cone”, not “cup”.


Cone 1: Blockees

Cone 2: Side-to-Side Merkins

Cone 3: Coupon Thrusters

Cone 4: Gas Pumps



  1. Murder Bunny from cone to cone away from the playground.  Perform the stated exercises with 5, 10, 15, 20 reps at the respective cones.
  2. Leave the block and run to the playground for AMRAP pullups.
  3. Run back to the block.
  4. Rifle carry the block towards the playground.  Perform the stated exercises with 5, 10, 15, 20 reps at the respective cones.  This reverses the rep order from the previous round.
  5. Leave the block and run to the playground for AMRAP pullups.
  6. Run back to the block.
  7. Repeato.


DONE.  No mas, por favor.



  • VQ at BnW this Wednesday – Inspector Gadget
  • Help $5 Footlong tear out a lot of bushes at his house this Saturday.  #StumpFest2024
  • Rubber Ducky has the Q at Alcatraz this Saturday.  He said it’s going to really suck and advises not showing up.
  • Come have some fun playing the best game in all of F3 land on Saturday at Impossible Situation – the newly updated Torture by Tokens: The Torment of Terror.  Bring a weight (cinder block, kettlebell, etc) and a positive attitude.  Note to Bevo, jumping ability is not required.



  • None spoken


Zima Out.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    July 15, 2024 3:05 pm

    Good thing my white shirt was pre-ruined. A Zima Q is tough on laundry! 🤣 And I apologize for cheating on Blockees by doing mostly Burpees but I had to save myself for pull-ups, since I had to do perfect form because, well, Zima. ❤️

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