Recovery Day at Conspiracy

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 07/17/2024

PAX: @Cherry Pie (WD), @Rollback, @Schlitz, @Frosbite (QiC, WB, YHC)

Always love visiting my old Site Q #AO so when @Frank&Beans hit me up for a Q, I immediately said yes.  To be honest, I have been infrequent in visiting #Conspiracy due to #HighLife happening on Tuesday nights and the good ole fartsack occurs, so having the accountability of the Q made it easy to jump out of bed this morning!

It just so happens that @Inspector Gadget (straight #HIM) had his #VQ today at #BnW — with a highly promotional pre-blast (saying it will be hard, don’t come if you need a recovery day, etc) I didn’t know how many to expect this AM, but YHC continued on with a small weinke but mighty plan and here is how it went:


SSH (20 x IC)

Copperhead Squats (10 x IC)

Abe Vigoda (6 x IC)

Whirley’s Got the Clap (10 x IC)

With @CP back in the mix, YHC decided not to do any arm warmups, sorry to all others!

The Thang 1:

Mosey to base of Intimidator.

Run to first stop sign: 10 Diamond Merkins (OYO)

Run up to Glade View St: 10 Diamond Merkins (OYO), 20 Imperial Walkers (OYO, SC))

Run to Jersey: 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Imperial Walkers (SC), 30 Electric Chairs (OYO, DC)

Run up to Top of Intimidator: 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Imperial Walkers (SC), 30 Electric Chairs (OYO, DC), 40 LBCs

Mosey all the way down to the track

The Thang 2: Supercollider Mile

Partner Up. Partner 1 run one direction on track, Partner 2 run other direction. When you meet up, do partner exercises, flapjack, and run again continuing in same direction. When you meet again, repeato for a set!

Set 1: Partner Derkins (Partner 1 planks, Partner 2 puts feet on back and does derkin) – 10 OYO

Set 2: Power Merkins (Partner 1 Planks, Partner 2 puts feet on back. Partner 1 does Merkin) – 5 OYO

Set 3: Booyah Merkins (High 5 after each merkin) – 15 OYO

Set 4: Granny Situps (Partner 1 gets in WW2 position, Partner 2 planks and hold feet. Partner 1 does WW2s) – 20 OYO

4 laps on track = 1 mile. Lots and lots of reps in doing each set.

The Thang 3:

Mosey to playground.

Do reverse pulls on swings. 5 OYO

Run a Lap.

Add 2 pulls after each lap. All the way up to 11. Then back down to 5.

Mosey back to launch for Mary!


Low Dolleys 15 x IC

Penguin Crunch 20 x IC

Mutton Crunch L/R 10 x IC



@CP was out front all morning and tried to derail YHC from executing the plan to perfection but to no avail. So great having him back in our mix regularly. And no, I am not getting soft!

@Schlitz came back out after 2 back2back vacations where he… well you will have to ask him about his tomfoolery. He put in the work and the sweat angels were there to prove it.

@Rollback is steady as can be and was a great running partner during the Supercollider Mile. Coordination of headband with his outfit is always fun.

Not much MC from the group this AM — I guess without @LambChop or @Palin we can actually get some work done! 2.41 miles. No recovery for us!


@Schlitz Bday (07/27)! He is celebrating with a BDAY Q on 06/26 at Urban Assault!

Happy Hour (and a half!) is on for Thursday. 0530pm-7:00pm. Mossys in Clemmons.


All new dads and future dads. Lives changing, marriages changing, routines changing. For leadership to be present. For patience to be on display. For love and shared faith.

@GoldWatch’s brother-in-law brain tumor. For healing. For peace.

@BlueSteel and his troubles with his leg. For healing. For Rest. For Strength.

@Rollback took us out thanking the SkyQ for all the accountability and push,  praying for the spoken and unspoken and our nation.


@Frank&Beans thanks for the keys! I put them in that spot only SiteQs know about! #Conspiracy

1 Comment

  • FrankandBeans
    July 17, 2024 9:43 am

    If that’s what a recovery day looks like, I’m not sure I want to know what you think a proper beatdown should look like.

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