A Simple Purgatory

QIC: Green Acres

Date: July 20, 2024

PAX: Pony Express, BAM, Bluto, Starfish, Buckle (WB), Undertow, Tarzan, Boomerang, Linus, Green Acres (WD)


YHC used up all my creativity for the July 4th convergence, so today would be “classic” or “same old boring GA workout”, depending on your POV  😆

Warmarama: SSH, AV, Whirlies, Imp Walkers, Y-flies, squats  

Then stroll to hill leading down to Rec Center for

Partnered up Dora, one doing exercises, other trotted downhill, then run backwards up hill:

100 wide merkins

200 Bobby Hurleys

300 LBC’s

To pull-up bars for blatant ripoff of Draftee TRQ beatdown. 5 rounds:

10 pull-ups, erkin derkin x 20 each, 30 lo flutter 🥵 Crowd pleaser.  Heard “how many rounds?” a few times  

To rocks

X20 IC:  Curls, sc, b row, oh press, oh row, chest presses, h to Heaven

To wall for 2 minute wall sit and 1 minute BTTW 

Back to flagpole for Mary:  Mutton crunch x 15 IC ea side, lo-Dolly, Big T or O, Freddie Merc and Done!

We had Sam, nephew of Undertow, in town as an FNG. He’s a Civil Engineer, and they would hate for anything they design to Buckle, so seemed like a good nickname 👍🏻

GreeNest was about to happen so announced that, then Boomerang took us out with nice prayer including good wishes for aging family members, and most of the Pax headed to Coffeteria.
Was a pleasure to try to wear down this fine bunch of HIM, but mostly just wore myself out!  Thanks for the keys Undertow, and for bringing Sam. Welcome Buckle!

Until next time…