The Token PAX

QIC: Zima

Date: 7/23/24

PAX: Van Gogh, Spicoli, Chick Flick, Lamb Chop, Root Canal, Zima

YHC was called in from the bullpen late last night to substi-Q.  And yeah, I have a couple hundred old backblasts stored in Google Drive that I could have pulled from, but I also have this nice sack of freshly minted exercise tokens that we can use.  Let’s roll out the randomizer!



Let the tokens do the talking.  Each token was pulled out at random (except for when it was Lamb Chop’s turn).  We did a single exercise for the number of specified reps, then ran a short mosey for about 100 yards.  Rinse and repeat.  Simple.


Ranger Merkins x 1

Imperial Storm Troopers x 2

Monkey Humpers x 3

Freddie Mercuries x 4

Hand Release Burpees x 5

Tarantulas x 6

Knee Tuck Jumps x 7

Bear Burpees x 8

Ratchet Squats x 9

Heels to Heaven x 10

Clap Hand Release Merkins x 11

Mary Katherines x 12

180 Degree Burpees x 13

Alternating Lunges x 14

Pulse Lunges x 15

Corkscrews x 16

Ski Abs x 17

Plank Jacks x 18

Diamond Merkins x 19

Lunge Walks x 20

Mountain Climbers x 21

Jillian Michaels x 22

Elbow Spider Planks x 23

Merkins x 24

Carolina Dry Docks x 25

Hand Release Merkins x 26

Dead Bugs x 27

Jump Squats x 28

Reverse Lunges x 29

Mutton Crunches x 30





  • YHC was the perpetual six.  I’m clearly on the downward slope of my fitness journey compared to these young guys who put me to shame.  Fastholes.  All of them.
  • Magically, no Reset tokens were pulled AGAIN.
  • Lots of talk about adding some of these exercises (complete with videos) to the Exicon … if it ever returns.
  • The format was not hated by everyone and actually fairly well received by some.  The exclusion of The Intimidator was celebrated by all.
  • The use of Viagra was forbidden which led to a black market on performing some exercises (read: a few PAX felt perfectly fine openly and blatantly replacing the called exercise with an alternative without any fear of repercussion).
  • Jillian Michaelses, the exercise, still (and always will) suck.  Ask Van Gogh for his feelings about the fitness personality.



  • Spicoli is Q’ing Bells N Whistles tomorrow
  • Lamb Chop’s cousin’s family



  • Family of Chit Chat’s friend.


Lamb Chop prayed for all of us this morning.


Zima Out.

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